Medtronic 630G

Is anyone using this pump who was using a Paradigm pump before it? I’ve decided to go back to the pump after my MDI/Levemir/Tresiba trial and couldn’t be happier so far (until my sites start to fail that is). I qualify in March for a new pump through the provincial government and I’m evaluating my options which aren’t plentiful in Canada. I’m currently using a loaner Veo until then. I like the fact that the 630G is waterproof, but that’s about the only advantage I can see. It looks like more button pushes to do the same things as on my Veo. I’m wondering if I should just go with a Veo if they will sell it to me. I’m not a swimmer and water sports/beach days are so rare I probably would just use Levemir when they happen. I know the Omnipod is an option but I have one currently (which is why I’m using a loaner Veo) and decided after using it for a few years that a tubed pump is a better fit for me.

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Up until 2 years ago, I was on a 530G and loved it. I tried the 630G when it first came out and I hated it. Too many buttons to push to do the same things, and I disliked that I had to take it off my belt to see it, due to the rotated display. It is also much bigger. I ultimately went to the Omnipod for my pump usage, since I was running out of real-estate for pumping and I could put it in more spots. However, I ultimately settled on Tresiba+Afrezza for my everyday usage.


I have been on Medtronic pumps for 11 years. The last one was the Veo with the smaller reservoir. I have been on the 630 since July. I don’t mind it at all. Yes, it is a little bigger. With the configuration portrait style I am still able to view it while clipped to my belt upside down, but you get used to it. I also un-clip it and don’t mind that when I want to look at history or change a setting. I don’t find that there is a lot of button pushing, or maybe I don’t mind button pushing. I do like the easier to read colour screen. I also like the preset for temporary basal. I do think I like the way you navigate through this better as well. I think it is just getting used to something different. I also like the fact that it is water proof. I kayak and was always worried in case I tipped over. I also paddle board and would take it off for that and now I don’t need to worry about that. I use the Dexcom CGM with it. I tried the Enlite sensors that came with the 630 but found they were not quite as accurate. I am hoping that the Guardian 3 transmitter/sensors gets approved in Canada for use with the 630 and then that would be fantastic, I like the CGM on this pump.


It is probably more like the OmniPod, which I got used to when I used it. What I like about the Paradigm pump is that you can just push the B button to quickly bolus, or the up arrow to take an amount you pre-set without having to take any other steps. I don’t think I’d want to give this up unless there is a compelling reason to, which I don’t see in the 630G.


I agree, the easy bolus on my 523 minimed pump is something I use all the time.

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