Loop 3.4

FYI, Loop 3.4 main was released yesterday. It can be built using a Mac and Xcode, or you can build using GitHub with just about any web browser. The “Mac/Xcode” build is a bit involved, but doable by a non-techie person that can follow instructions. The “Browser Build” takes some effort the first time through, its a multi-step process, but after that its a couple of clicks and it gets sent to your phone automatically and even has a “self-build” feature that updates the code, builds, and transfers the program to you. If you’re interested see the below links for the features added to Loop 3.4 and the full documentation which you need to read prior to building the program. If you decide you want to build and want a script to help you or want some pre-built mods to the program, visit LoopandLearn.org at: Loop 3.4 Release | Loop and Learn

Full docs are at: LoopDocs

Pete Schwamb (developer/programmer) notification 3:48 PM, 2024-07-13
Loop 3.4.0 is released! Thanks to everyone who contributed features and fixes, testing and documentation. See Features - LoopDocs for docs on new features. This is very close to what has been in dev for a long time (maybe too long. :-/), so it should be fairly stable, but please report any issues you see on Zulip, either in this thread (if regarding the release itself), or in specific threads under #Loop if regarding specific functionality in Loop.


I didn’t think I would be on today all things considering but I want to thank @TomH for your post. Both Glucose Based Partial Application (GBPA) & Integral Retrospective Correction (IRC) look very promising.


Just to report back I have been having trouble with the build most of the day. They are aware of it based on @TomH link.

Build Error – Check Upstream and Keep Alive


Sorry for the issue you’re facing. I’ve read several of the posts as well and they seem to have a handle on them. I recommend following Marion Barkers guidance to resolve. She knows the build process best to spot errors. I did see Carol Vachon advise one person to hold off while they worked thru the build issue and she’s another good voice to listen to. I’ve done a browser build of main 3.4 and haven’t had any problems, so am not much experiential help, but I previously had dev functioning as well. I’m not sure where you’re getting your info from, but if you’re reading on FB, I highly recommend switching to loops Zulip chat channels for build issues; the info flow there is much better.


Thanks @TomH I am heading to my Retina Specialist today so probably not going to be able to see very well. I will look into that. I had tried the Alive work around but I figure may be something else in my build is the hold up. I thought today I would rebuild 3.2.3 because that was my last successful build & see what happens. Only probably will not be able to try that today. Got lots of time so no sweat :smiley:


I needed an annual build last week anyway and updated to 3.4 over the weekend. Everything is working well so far.


I am up & running on Loop 3.4. I have not began to use any of the experimental stuff yet. I think I will start with (IRC) first after I check out the program just a little more.

Curious has anyone started using (GBPA) or (IRC) yet?


First, congrats on getting 3.4 up and going! If you think others here can learn from your experience, let us know what worked to get it working.

Re GBPA and IRC: I started with GBPA, it helped counter an after meal spike I couldn’t seem to get a handle on with just ICR strengthening. I tried mixing in IRC, and it seemed to help with spike, but also frequently resulted in a following low. I should have tried further adjustment, but chose to turn off IRC and keep GBPA going. I haven’t re-engaged on testing it as yet; life got in the way.


Funny how it does that sometimes :grin:

I ran both for about 18 hours including over night it did great until I start eating this morning. It seems to help with the spike but exacerbated the lows. I turned them both off until I better figure them out. I followed these instructions & warnings.

Important points about IRC

My ISF was set at 65. I adjusted it to 70 because of the advise. I ran an Autotune report just for giggles (sometimes that’s all it’s good for) Autotune suggested a setting of 60 so I left it at 70. After using & before turning them off I adjusted my setting up to 75, Just seemed to make it worse. Best to go slow if you are going to use these. I will restart one at a time & use it more short term 4-6 hours until I figure them out.

From the photo you can see last nights dinner was great for me. lol not the dinner :grin: just not getting the high spikes after & following low. During the night you can see the noise & jumping. Could not tell if that was Dexcom or the Loop settings. Following you can see the spikes & low. I still got some work to do on it.

My build problems where mostly Apple Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles related. Profiles needed updating. There were a lot of old ones I no longer needed that were valid so I deleted them so I could better seem the ones I needed that were not valid. Also I thought naming of the Identifiers was important. I found names to be irreverent I.E. >v3.3 Loop Widget Extension Apple would not take the > so I deleted it. Found that com.TEAMID.loopkit.Loop.LoopWidgetExtension was really the important part. File name did not seem to matter. Except I was spinning wheel for nothing looking for naming issue that did not exist. After I cleaned up & got everything Apple in order running Loop 3.4 Alive branch was pretty strait forward.

Hey I am not a programmer I am a hacker errr that’s an insult to hackers everywhere that know what they are doing. I am a stumbler :grin: Ok well all’s well that ends well.

Say @CarlosLuis did you hear the Rim Shot :joy:

PS: Trio is still of interest :wink:

Loop 3.4.1 has been released with additional directions of how to build both with Xcode and browser build methods. The update appears purely to address the issues some people have had with building and no added features. You can find the directions on FB from Carol Vachon or on LoopZulipChat. If you’re already built successfully, the advice is to let it be. If you used the browser build process and left the auto build process activated, you will receive the updated version with the advent of a new month.


I don’t know how the browser build process works. I am assuming that would not allow for any customizations. Is that correct?

Also, is there any way to build it yet from PC? Or is a Mac with Xcode still required if you are building it yourself.

I would like to simplify building my own version, but I don’t know what options I have.



I think the browser build does allow for customizations but I’ve never done the browser build method, so you’d have to read the instructions or wait for someone who has.

As far as I know, the browser build works via a web browser interface to command the code compilation to happen on Apple’s own servers, so it doesn’t matter whether you use a pc, mac, or anything else.


So that’s what I am wondering about. The code resides somewhere else, not on your own computer. So I am wondering how you could customize it.

The way I do it now, I have all the code local. So I can do whatever I want with it.

@Eric: @bkh is correct, the browser build works with just about any browser, any Mac or PC or tablet or phone, an Apple Developer account (a free one requires building every 7 days, a purchased version requires rebuild every 90 days), and a GitHub account (no cost). Some customization is allowed via scripts to conduct the build (most are via the LoopandLearn.org scripts). It may be possible for you (@Eric) to adopt a browser build for your own version, but I don’t know/understand the mechanics/programming that be involved; you might be able to talk/chat with others on FB (the devs on Loop, LoopandLearn, Trio, or iASP most likely) to understand the process/programming required to do so. I’m not sure how far you’d be willing to go thru. For further, check out: Browser Overview - LoopDocs You can also refer to: Code Customizations | Loop and Learn (look for the “Browser Build” labeled para).


As I understand it, they are using the process that licensed Apple developers use to build test versions of apps and automatically install them and update them on testers’ phones using the testflight app.

So you are making your own private copy of the original build tree, and you can customize it and have patch files on your own private copy on the Apple server (or maybe it’s on github’s servers, I don’t really know.) All the machinery and storage to do this either comes along with your paid 1-year developer license at Apple at no additional cost, or for free at github. Go read the instructions, they’ll say exactly how to do it. Browser Overview - LoopDocs


As other have said, you need to have a fork of Loop (and any submodules you wish to customize) and saved in your Github account. You can customize your fork either locally (and pushed to your Github repo) and/or on the Github site using Github to edit your repo directly and saved on Github. Once done you can build Loop with any customizations via the Github browser process. Loop’s loop_build.yml is key to this build process as to which assets to use in the build and described in the linked Loop Docs.