Here are some code changes to try. First of all, make a backup of your entire code tree! That way if you don’t like it, it’s simple to just roll everything back to the original.
I have all the file names here. Just substitute whatever your source tree location is.
Here are the changes. Just open the file in a text editor and make the changes I show below. Where it says “Was this:”, that is the original. Change it to what I have under “Changed to this:”.
This is for the old RileyLink Code, so hopefully the lines will match yours fairly closely.
This might look spooky, but it is simply a matter of editing the file in a text editor, looking for the original text that I listed, and replacing it with the new text. Don’t add any extra spaces or returns. Just try to match the original as closely as possible.
If you mess up, you have your backup copy, so no big deal.
Make the “Starting Bolus” more obvious! Using little emoji’s for this because the text was hard to control. But this makes it pop-out more!
\YOUR_CODE_SOURCE\LoopWorkspace\Loop\Loop\View Controllers\StatusTableViewController.swift
Was this:
cell.titleLabel.text = NSLocalizedString(“Starting Bolus”, comment: “The title of the cell indicating a bolus is being sent”)
Changed to this:
cell.titleLabel.text = NSLocalizedString(“\u{1F7E3}\u{274C}\u{1F7E3}\u{274C}\u{1F7E3}BOLUS\u{1F7E3}\u{274C}\u{1F7E3}\u{274C}\u{1F7E3}”, comment: “The title of the cell indicating a bolus is being sent”)
This is in the same file as above.
Make the animation spinny thing bigger for the Starting Bolus screen.
\YOUR_CODE_SOURCE\LoopWorkspace\Loop\Loop\View Controllers\StatusTableViewController.swift
There are about 5 of these “let indicatorView” lines in this file, so make sure you change it in the “Starting Bolus” section. It will be for the one that says: “The title of the cell indicating a bolus is being sent” a few lines above. That means you are in the right place for this change.
Was this:
let indicatorView = UIActivityIndicatorView(style: .default)
Changed to this:
let indicatorView = UIActivityIndicatorView(style: .large)
Change the size of the bolus text (the part while bolusing).
Also made the background yellow so it is very visible.
Was this:
Changed to this:
Was this:
Changed to this:
Was this:
rect key=“frame” x=“15” y=“16” width=“354” height=“22”
fontDescription key=“fontDescription” type=“boldSystem” pointSize=“15”
Changed to this: (and added the last line for the yellow background color):
rect key=“frame” x=“15” y=“16” width=“354” height=“250”
fontDescription key=“fontDescription” type=“boldSystem” pointSize=“55”
color key=“backgroundColor” red=“0.98” green=“0.98” blue=“0.1” alpha=“1” colorSpace=“custom” customColorSpace=“sRGB”
Removed the word “Bolused” to free up space for the numbers.
Was this:
progressLabel.text = String(format: NSLocalizedString(“Bolused %1$@ of %2$@”, comment: “The format string for bolus progress. (1: delivered volume)(2: total volume)”), deliveredUnitsString, totalUnitsString)
Changed to this:
progressLabel.text = String(format: NSLocalizedString(“%1$@ of %2$@”, comment: “The format string for bolus progress. (1: delivered volume)(2: total volume)”), deliveredUnitsString, totalUnitsString)