I just got a SugarPixel!

It goes off when I get too low or high and it makes random beeps so I don’t get used to it! :smile:


Congratulations. That really is a beautiful thing :smiley:


I installed a hanging shelf on the wall beside his computer chair so that he can glance over easily to see his BGs without needing to look at phone or watch.

Also, as it beeps he’ll begin taking his own actions and informing me, instead of asking me what he should do. He knows well what to do, so my hope is that he uses this device to take actions during the day as the device alarms.

I told him I am not going to ask him to to anything during the night right now because I think he’s still too young to take that on. So he has 10pm - 0700 set as quiet time and won’t get any alerts.

On my nightstand is a second one and I have the puck under my pillow so I can still get notified during the nights and treat as necessary. (Hoping the puck works in my bedroom so that the alarms stop occasionally waking up my wife up.)

My goal is to start getting him used to waking up to the alarms himself when he becomes 12 or 13. That will give him a few good years of getting used to it before going off to college.

Also, we just found out today that Liam scored a perfect 600 again on his Math SOL that he took yesterday! I took him to dinner to treat him tonight.


The only thing i wish it had was the ability to set alarms based on trajectory. I don’t know of any devices or apps that do right now.

For instance, instead of getting alerted ONLY if he drops below 90, I would love to know if he was, say, 130 but double down!! If i have the low alert set at 90, but he is 90 double down, that’s late to avoid a low.

Liam, we discussed you getting into mobile app development…that would be a great coding project for you if you are looking for ideas. Everything this app has but that one extra thing. :slight_smile: I’m also going to reach out to the SugarPixel creator to see if it’s something that he could add to his backlog. :smiley: Should be an easy lift.


If you have whole home wifi it will work fine. My puck got a little warm so I taped it on my nightstand. It puts out a lot of noise so the alert will not be a problem. May wish to start at low settings.

Please extend my congratulation to Liam. Well done young man! :smiley:


That looks awesome!!! Thank you for sharing, @Liam-M !!!


This whole thread makes me smile :blush:

@Liam-M I’ve been thinking about getting a Sugar Pixel so I appreciate the visual perspective.

I hope you do decide to dabble with coding for a modified app (wish I had mad coding skills to do that, but I don’t)!


@Liam-M It is my hope that with a little more than 3 weeks in that the Sugarpixel is still working well for you. :smiley:


Hopefully @Liam-M will respond by himself with his thoughts but I am personally loving it! The two things that are most helpful to me are:

1: The vibrating puck. With this, I can now silence my bedroom alarms so that i don’t need to wake my wife up. It’s placed under my pillow and very easily wakes me.

2: I am FINALLY alerted when he crosses ABOVE a certain threshold. I have it set to go off when BG is above 180, then vibrating every 30 minutes. That wakes me up, allows me to give insulin and go back to sleep, then come back in 30 minutes to see if it’s helped. If not, rinse and repeat. Before this, I has NO viable option for walking up during the nights because Sugarmate doesn’t do phone calls for nights, and no alerts wake me up from Dexcom or NS.

It’s brought Liam’s overnight high % down significantly over the past couple of weeks.

Not to mention, there is no longer a need to reach over, pick up my phone and squint or get my glasses to focus on the small BG number on the phone. I just turn my head and have a nice big pixel BG staring back at me.

I am a huge fan so far!

For now, Liam has his system totally silenced during the night so that he doesn’t have that worry yet. But he dies have it active during the day and is watching it and treating by himself and notifying me what he’s done.


I am super, super glad to hear this. I can’t wait for Liam to tell what he thinks of it.

As yourself for me it has been great to turn my head & see the large numbers & even to press the button to see the time without waking my wife.

Good news is good news!

You take much care :smiley:


There is many customizations you can do with the display to make it look cool. That is part of the reasons I love it. Just look at this


Those are some great photos. I am glad you are getting good use from your sugarpixel. Nice it being mounted on the wall like that!

You take much care :smiley:


I installed it eye level on his wall right beside his desk so that he can glance over and see it while on his PC or phone. It’s much easier for him than looking at his watch or phone to get the number.

And he’s learning that the sound usually means something and he’s beginning to take his own corrective actions and informing me instead of asking me what to do.


Love the emoji, too!! I hope the emotions sync up with the BGs!!


Do something like this for low!



@Eric woke up on the funny side of the bed today :grin:


They aren’t customizable unfortunately. You can select a “style” and certain emojis become available based on the style of Pixel font you choose.

For one style, for instance, any low or high BG has a “thumbs down” emoji. He sees a “thumbs up” when he’s in range.

That’s a good recommendation though to allow customizable emojis to be imported and used within the app.


Only a couple of weeks before he figures out a way to hack the interface and put his own emoji’s in… :grinning:


Hi guys, we used one when we had a Tandem T-slim. Fantastic unit, loved it. Unfortunately we now have a Medtronic 780G. And unless someone has some hints on how to tweak, we won’t be using it for quite a long time. :frowning:



Good question whereas I have no clue That question may best be posed to the manufacturer & could help others out in the future.

e-mail: support@CustomTypeOne.com

Best Luck :smiley: