Sugarpexil & other alert devices

Sugarpexil Has been a great help to me. T1john & I have been discussing it & other alert devise on his Pump thread, I felt it was time for the alerts to have their own thread. Are you using an external alert devise? If so what is it & do you recommend it?

Cheers, Sobe


Sugarmate is what we use. I love the phone calls and it’s really all I wake up to after nearly 10 years now…hard to believe it’s been that long! Where does the time go!?!?!?


I really have been in the dark about external alert devices. I need to look at Sugarmate a little closer. Sugarpexil has been good so far & has numerous settings. I like that I can view it without disturbing my wife at night while we sleep & I can set quite times so alerts don’t go off during the day when I am awake.


Can you turn it off when you leave the house during the day and turn it back on without having to go through any kind of logging in or pairing process each time you turn it on? Alternatively, can you turn just the screen off?
I’m only interested in having it on at night and I’m uncomfortable with my BG being remotely displayed all day long.


Everything you do can be done without having to pair again. You can put it in quite mode without logging into the app which takes away any alarms for that time period. The alarms audible & vibrate can be made louder or softer. Brightness also is adjustable.

This time setting can be used without showing your BG info.

By pushing the button on top will display BG info, Alarms function to alert you.

You can choose to make the screen blank but you do have to connect the app to the devise to change it back & forth. It’s pretty easy to connect the app but it might get a little old.

If you have noticed the lines across the bottom that is a minute counter it resets at 5 minutes.

You have made me curious now I don’t know what it shows when I am gone. I imagine because of the wi-fi link to Dexcom it shows everything. I am going to ask my wife to confirm & edit for results.

I hope this helps :smiley:


That is amazing to think about. Was he only 1 when he was diagnosed?

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  1. 11 now

One thing that Sugarmate doesn’t do is to alert me (in such a way that I can HEAR it) when his BGs are headed, or are, HIGH…although I worry most about hypoglycemia, IF it were possible to be alerted by some device when Liam is high, or is going high, I’d love to try it out. Does the Sugarpexil provide high sugar alerts and are they LOUD? I can already get alerts through the various apps for highs, but none of them are sufficient for me and/or wake me up. If this fixes the possibility of adjusting high BGs more quickly that’s a win imo.

I’m actually watching a video about this and WOW, I love what I’m seeing from this video:

The alarms are “random” so the brain doesn’t get used to them AND they can get EXTREMELY LOUD with the built in speakers…I’m getting it and will probably get one for Liams room also that HE can learn to wake up himself…that’s my biggest fear is becoming so reliant on me waking him up that he’s unable to do it himself when he goes off to college.

Thanks for the recommendation and information on this really cool looking device!


Your welcome :smiley:

That video really shows off the Sugarpixel. I skimmed over it & will watch in detail later. I did not see the vibration alert puck in the video but again quick skim. The puck also puts out a lot. I put mine on my nightstand because it got hot some & I didn’t want it under my pillow. When the Sugarpixel sends an alert there is no missing it. My Sugarpixel gets quite a work out with my wild roller coaster ride.

As Liam gets older he is going to take over his own care & you will want to follow him. Have you considered that Dexcom has a follow app? My wife follows me on that app. Also do you have the Dexcom settings for alerts for Rising / Falling fast to go along with Low / High alerts? Those can be set to follow as well.

Best wishes for you & Liam. God Bless

Puck Pic


The puck was discussed in the video as well. Ordered 2 of the systems. :). I see and manage him remotely all the time via Nightscout and Sugarmate. With Loop I can do a lot of things remotely for him…set overrides, Bolus, enter carbs, etc. My goal though is to slowly get him ready for college and adulthood, and much of that is just paying attention and listening for alerts.

Regarding alerts, I’m alert deaf. After so many years it’s just hard to hear them in my sleep. The Sugarmate phone call wakes me up for the lows but there isn’t a good way to get woken up for highs…that’s what I’m hoping this helps with. Instead of some nights being high for 4+hours (over 250), hearing the sugarpixel random alerts (loud) can enable me (and him) to treat earlier.

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Super helpful. Thank you. If I can have it just display the time and turn off all alarms without much hassle, I’d be satisfied. I think I’ll buy one. (They should pay you a commission :slight_smile:

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:grin: Just let them know sobeit sent ya lol I am sure they have that name for reporting the commission :wink:

Set up was pretty straight forward but let me know if you need any help. Cheers Sobe :smiley:

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Apple could not get my credit card run after several cards & attempts. I lost my developers license so could not test flight my loop into my phone. Oh how I wish I had loop in my phone :laughing:

Once you get them please let me know if you need any help. :smiley:

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