Hi, all.
I am in need of a way to exercise in the mornings that will not have bad BG effects during or after exercise. I have much to learn and would appreciate any anecdotal or other advice. I somehow cannot seem to reason everything out - it was easier to manage while on MDI. Here is my situation:
- I am on Omnipod 5 pump.
- I am an early morning exerciser - I love this time and have been doing it 30 years or more, so do not want to change this.
A. I wake up about 4:30 am and have coffee with Sugar-Free Delight, no bolus for it, and drink 16-24 ounces of water.
B. I begin exercise by 5:30 am (4-5 days 4.3 fast walking miles - about 14:30 minute miles, not dawdling) and 2 days 45 minutes to an hour of free weights/ double split routine with weights I can lift 8-12 reps and a couple of sets per body part). On weights days, I either go for an easy to moderate walk right after of between 2.5 -4.3 miles depending on how I feel. - During weights, my blood sugar, often in 140s -150 at start, will stay put through half of workout and then begin to fall. I will usually eat a Kind Mini (8grams) at that time to sustain walk after. Today I tried eating 1/2 a small banana and sugar was steady 143 and began to rise after weights for walk.
- For walk days, I usually eat 2 glucose tabs before heading out the door.
Those are the basics and I have tried everything from turning on activity mode right upon waking while in bed and turning it off well into the walk, to pausing insulin and and turning it back on during walk and even giving boluses at mile 3 (today at mile 2.4). I have not found results I want. I have had to stop in recent walks to eat and wait for sugar to go up, only to have high am sugars later. Today, I thought I was onto something: ate 1/2 of said banana about 20 minutes into 45 or so minute workout with weights. Bg had dropped from 140s to 127. By end of weights I was 136. Despite activity being on from 5:59 -6:59, IOB was .5 at 6:49 when weights were done (I have it set to 2.5 duration), and I began weights at 6am (later than usual today). Turned activity off about 5 blocks from home on walk. BG hung at 145 -148 through most if walk, but at 2.4 miles, I decided to give a correction. It used my cgm to figure 1 unit. I stayed high at 14os until home and took time getting breakfast ready. Got home 8:06 at 125bg. By 8:22, I was 109 and falling. Got scared and ate 4g of gummies at .8 IOB. Levelled at 110 at 8:37 and bolused for both gummies and breakfast 1:7 bf ratio, 4.15 units, then it began another rise. Had 10 min prebolus, btw. So after eating I was 133 and rising and now am in 150s - I am not doing a good job at all here. As per this particular day, would I have beem]n better to not eat gummies since it began to go up by itself? Or should I have left activity mode on for most or all of walk? I feel I am getting dumber about all this and there are so many combinations of how to do this, I do not know where to begin. Here is what I would love:
- To eat as few calories as I can. Exercise is also my weight management, but I am fit and average weight 5â7 134 pounds.
- To get to fat-burning stage of exercise and not feel as if I am just consuming and burning empty calories.
- To find my unique go-to routines for my exercise.
- To not ever have to stop due to lows.
- To not have a rollercoaster effect and learn to work with OP5.
- To understand the timing and amounts of carbs and insulin for my needs.
Please note: i was scared at 119 and 111 post exercise due to a night of terror last Thursday with some bad decisions I made in coming back to pump (from week on mdi) with probably some Tresiba in me and then being up all night with horrible highs and lows and a midnight walk and just never having awful lows, eating too much, double arrows up, then falling again same way and trying to think how to keep living. I was probably too unafraid before. Before, a 111 and falling would not have fazed me. So this is a particular time in my learning curve. More of my specifics if it helps:
T1D for 2.5 years, honeymoon over for at least 1.5 years
Settings (made more aggressive since beginning pump in November and resetting right before my one-week pump break):
10 units max bolus
Target and correct above, both 110
I/C ratios, 1:7 for breakfast, 1:9 for lunch, and 1:10 for dinner
Correction factors 35, 12am-4:30am, 40 for 4:30-6am (exercise time), 35 for 6am-9am, and 30 for 9am-12am. I was trying to help OP5 give me more basal. My insulin sensitivity on mdi, was 1/2 unit would bring me down 50. But that had Tresiba in there. I think my true Ins sensitivity might be 1 unit brings down 84.
Duration of insulin 2.5 (have had it on 2, though, as well)
I am using 21-24 units of insulin a day for 106 to 121 grams of carbs, but not inclusive of correction carbs.
I donât snack and eat meals 4-5 hours apart.
OP5 still wonât keep me lower overnight - 132 upon waking this morning, usually 120s and I eat supper hours before bedtime.
My A1C in November was 6.1 and Feb was 5.9. I would love to have a little better because I am willing to work for it. I would like a tighter range, but my Standard deviation is 14 at present. The omnipod is now doing better than I did on shots, but is requiring lots of corrections and work until I can figure it out.
Finally, and maybe unrelated, I did change my dinner IC ratio from 9.5 to 10 after 2 nights in a row dropping after eating. Can anyone help explain why I could bolus at 112 at 5:12 pm (10 min prebolus), drop to 81 at end of meal at 5:52 and then be 71 and falling a minute later? Did this night before last also on similar meal and both times are a Reeses dark mini (6g) and later bolused back 1/2 of those carbs to not go high. My other meals go up after eating and then come down. Not down first. I am unclear on how long to prebolus, but do not want to be high at bedtime.
Well, thanks for reading or skimming all of this, and the extra bottom conundrum that is new for me, and maybe just a ratio I made too aggressive for supper. I look forward to any and all help as I try to fine-tune everything so I can exercise well with the pump.