

Hi. I am a LADA T1D diagnosed a bit over 2 years ago and honeymoon was over about the year 1 mark. I am very active with exercise plan (have been all my life, so I guess I was well ready for this condition. Except I am squeamish and cannot stand finger sticks. I have been on OP5 pump for 2 months, but managed well on MDI. Tried T-slim for one month last year, but user error with bubbles and feeling claustrophobic with being connected to the device was too much for me. I am a bit OCD about my management and have not been to a restaurant in 2 years. Looking to truly live with diabetes and let go fears. I do have to protect my health from kidney disease and whatnot as I know I could not deal with dialysis and I have spent my life trying to be healthy. Well - previous diet was high on chips and sweets.
I walk fast, very, 4-5 miles/day and weight train for an hour 2 days a week. I eat about 40 carbs a meal/3 meals a day, no snacks. I am so glad to have found y’all! I hope to be fully thriving very soon and am so much better than I was much of last year (depressed and anxious I think). Oh - I am a recently retired teacher. Got diagnosed a month after retiring. Life is funny, huh!