Getting a Macbook for building Loop

It’s possible, but your command doesn’t make me confident that it was looking in the right place to see if the file is there. You need to look in a folder that is nested 3 levels down from your home directory

Try looking with this command

ls -l  ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/*.mobileprovision

Anyway, it wouldn’t hurt to delete the provisioning files and rebuild. The rebuild should be pretty fast because all the thousands of files won’t need to be recompiled, just some checking and then the signing and installing on the phone.

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I was using the Windows cmd prompt. I was recursively searching the entire drive from which I copied the files over to the Mac

But I’ll search on the Mac with terminal too, just to make sure. :+1:

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In the current version of loop dev, in loop on the phone, press the gear to get to settings. and scroll down to the bottom of the page and it will show the app profile expiration (number of days remaining until expiration.). I don’t know if your version of loop has that feature…

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I just checked. I don’t see it in mine. :frowning:

Here is what I did. I totally deleted Loop from my phone and then reinstalled it. After the install, I had to go through all the settings again, adding all the basal rates, etc.

That way, I know for sure it was a complete new install and not a reinstall with the previous license.

If this is still working after 7 days, then I can be certain that my developer license is renewed and entered in Xcode.

Does all of that sound right?

Deleting the app from the phone doesn’t guarantee that you used the new developer license credentials. If the mac still has the old credentials, building and installing the app via xcode will embed those old credentials into the loop app that gets installed, even if you wiped the phone before installation.

The key to guarantee that you’re using the new developer license credentials is to remove the old ones from the mac before using xcode to build and install to the phone. Deleting the loop app from the phone first really doesn’t influence that. The command to run in a terminal window on the mac before launching xcode is:

rm ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/*.mobileprovision

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My old developer license expired last month.

So wouldn’t that mean any new installs would either:
a) work for only 7 days
b) be using the new license

There is no other way it would continue to work 7 days from now, right?

I will look for that file on my new Mac though.

@Eric There’s been a great deal of discussion on this topic on the Loop Zulip Chat group of late. The powers that be are testing the latest “thoughts” on a fix/proper method for both a Mac xcode build and a GitHub/Browser build and the results should be available within the next week or two when one of their certificates expire (yes, you’d think somebody could call Apple and find out, but apparently not…). The thought currently is the license expires and requires a new certificate to be obtained (installed in GitHub repository for Browser build), before a build will last past 7 days. @bkh may have a better explanation. I’m waiting on the test results to rebuild (I did a browser build last month about a week before my license expired, so I have couple of months to go). Loopdocs online has been updated with the latest “known” info, but even it may not be correct, we’ll see…


I actually don’t know. I could imagine there could be some kind of grace period, but I could also imagine that if it’s signed with an expired developer license it never runs at all. I’m definitely not an expert in iOS development, just another amateur.

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Hi @bkh
I wanted to get back to you on this.

I checked the Mac and the date for all of the *.mobileprovision files are from the day I did the first build onto my phone (January 2nd).

So I assume that means they are now using the new developer license, right?

If the *.mobileprovision files are new, I assume it can’t possibly be a leftover file. Hopefully I am understanding this correctly.

I guess I will know for sure if a week from now everything is still working.

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