Getting a G6

I am looking to upgrade to a Dexcom G6, but I’m concerned about changing the site. With the G5, I leave the sensor in for three weeks instead of replacing it every week and I just trick the app. This helps me build up a stock so if a site gets kinked or ripped, I have extra to replace it. My concern with the G6 is it makes you change it every ten days and from my understanding, there’s not tricking it. What am I supposed to do if the site rips out or kinks? Do I call for a new order, do I suck it up and prick my finger for however long, what do I do?

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I recently started the G6, and I used option 2 in the link on this thread below to restart my first sensor.

I was able to restart the sensor without any major problems.

I’m loving the G6 so far :slight_smile:


Hi @savvv.05!

I’m also brand new to the G6, and I also love it so far. I haven’t attempted anything yet, but I am under the impression a restart is not a particularly hard thing to do. My friend, @Jattzl, put up a different set of steps the other day that also looked really easy, but I’m not sure how many days she gets in general.

I came over from the Guardian, so it’s not quite the same transition, but I’m not disappointed in the least. I would definitely say it’s worth some serious consideration!


Whether or not you want to try to restart it, you might want to call Dexcom support if there’s any kind of sensor failure. They have always sent me a new sensor when one fails.

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@savvv.05 The steps on the link have been successful but can be complicated if you use a Tslim X2. I found a new easier way of extending the G6 sensor. I do it all on my iPhone. I use my Tslim X2 as my other receiver and it just follows along. No need to do anything with it.

Wait until your sensor expires.

-Start session and choose NO CODE

-Set timer for 15 minutes and let session ‘warm up’ for the 15 minutes.

-Stop session

-Start session WITH the code of the current sensor you’re wearing.

-That’s it! It will take 2 hours to do its thing! You will see where the session expiration date resets in 10 days after the 2 hours.. I usually get 20 days from a sensor. From what I’ve read from
others it varies person to person🤷🏼‍♀️