Everyone Has Been So Helpful

I want to thank you all so much. I have learned a lot from you!

As of late I feel the life has been sucked out of me so I am going to go back to lurking.

Best Wishes :smiley:


I’m sorry to hear this. I loved reading and responding to your posts. Life can be hectic though so I understand. Best wishes to you as well, and we hope you pop in from time to time!!!


Your words express how I feel too! I learn so much from this forum, and gain the strength to keep on doing the best I can. Hang in there and keep learning and getting inspired by the stories we read!



Thank you for your kind words.

You hang in there too :smiley:


@SobeiT we’re glad you chose to be part of this little part of the internet. How much you choose to participate is always up to you, but we always value your input.

Real life has its challenges , and for many of us FUD is a place where we can escape to converse with people that “get us”. We have a common thread. A bond however tenuous between strangers that we all share. Diabetes, or in the case of some they are Diabetes-adjacent. Our time here is generally monopolized discussing minutue of care surrounding our bond. But, there are moments in between those times we laugh, we learn, we bond, we share, and experience life. We know that the needs of real life always come first. If there is something you need @SobeiT and we can help please let us know.

We hope you will continue to visit our little corner of the internet whether it be as a lurker just reading along or as an active participant in the discussions here. We also hope that at some point there will be a discussion that piques your interest to the point that you wish to participate.

Until then…




Thank you.

I am posting a little but doing more research behind the scene on GIP/GLP-1 & Trio. I will reach out if I need some assistance.

Cheers :smiley: