Dexcom App is crashing after update

I haven’t had this problem. Hwr, just be aware, if you delete the Dexcom data, it will no longer be viewable in Apple Health app. I had this happen to me a few years ago when I upgraded my iPhone. I happen to use Apple Health to review my BGs, etc., so was disappointed I was no longer able to review the data. Of course, better to have a working Dexcom app than to view old data!! So respond “yes” to delete if you must!!


mmmmm Not sure what to do. Every time I try to see my BG on my iPhone I get this. It might get a little annoying to have to click continue to app every single time I try to look at my number.

I think I’ll wait a bit.


Same here. :thinking:


I’m not updating the Dexcom ap. My hubby had issues but he recently downloaded the last Dexcom ap. I haven’t updated mine and knock on wood I’ve had no issues. I am now getting that message too. And it might be to fix the latest issue, or it might not. My phone itself has been updated. I’d rather let others find out first lol. I don’t trust Dexcom when they constantly tell people not to update their phones because their ap isn’t compatible.


Update thd app for safety and to ensure it works with the ios. This update is necessary to be sure the app works and displays the current bg and communicates with the dexcom server.

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I keep getting a notification on my Dexcom app telling me an update is available.

Uh…no thanks!



Just updated a few hours ago. No problem so far :crossed_fingers: I will report back if it crashes.

Good thing I can see my Dex numbers on my Omnipod 5 controller and the pod itself will let out a loud beep if I’m headed for an urgent low. :grinning:


We updated and everything was fine. Loop and cgm immediately opened and numbers displayed without having to set anything up again. Just update and everything worked fine again.


I updated twice, seems trouble free on the iPhone but I continue to have trouble with Apple Watch. For whatever reasons, Dexcom app will not install on watch. Alerts will show on watch though.

I am so tired of everything tech especially the wasted time and inconvenience dealing with software that we (or our insurer) paid a boatload of money for. It seems like the standards for performance have sunk pretty low, even for medical tech.


Uninstall the Watch app , power off the Watch, power ego and restart the iPhone , power up the Watch and reinstall the Dexcom app.


@Sjwprod Lol, Probably for someone else??? I don’t have a watch, nor does my hubby and my ap is working fine. My husbands hasn’t acted up since he deleted it and then downloaded it again about a week ago. The graphs and everything are fine.

Anybody know if the last update is supposed to fix the issue everyone is having/had? My husband is wondering whether he should, but I told him no since it’s working now. But the continual ask to be updated is annoying him.

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By wonderful happenstance, my Loop app has started reading Dex numbers without the Dex app running! :partying_face:

So for now I don’t see the update ask. Don’t even need to have it opened.


My xDrip has been reading Dexcom for years, not from app.


Are you using Android or iPhone?

XDrip on iPhone has been super sketchy for me.

Android (Samsung) and xDrip.

xDrip has better data, graphs, etc. (for me).

I can also use Tandem app on same phone.

Whoops – I just posted about this on the other Dexcom app thread. Will monitor here for your experience for a bit until I do the whole rigamarole. Don’t feel like dealing with Apple Watch nonsense, either (@John58 let me know if you’ve had luck getting things straightened out?). Feeling irritated with everything. (Except for Carlos Alcarez! I’m glad he won Wimbledon! What nice energy.)


Sorry to report no success on Apple Watch G6 app. All that removal of apps, restarting, etc did not fix it. I am going to give it a rest and wait for Dexcom to fix their overpriced software. Not sure what to do for BG readings at tonights hockey game but oh well, that’s what I get for relying on tech.

ABT must be licking their chops watching Dexcom alienate their long time customers with this snafu.


I am so sorry – this is incredibly frustrating. Wondering if this is our nudge toward G7.


I agree, it seems the G6 app problems are not happening with the G7 app. Hopefully I can use up a few months worth of stockpiled G6 supplies while I transition. As soon as Insulet starts shipping the new G7 pods I hope to start ordering G7 supplies.

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