I’ve been putting off opening 2 boxes of G6 and tandem stuff. I’m not sure how I got so much ahead but I have 18 sensors and 3 transmitters. 12 + 2 transmitters in the D drawer and 6 sensors and 1 transmitter in my GoBag.
Many years ago when I was a young and easily impressionable young man I had a crush on a young woman a couple of years older than me. Of course she knew, they always know.
She got her first job out of university running a small department store, and would use my starry eyed devotion by offering me a bit of contract labor. It was always fronting stock, especially greeting cards.
For some reason fronting stock has stayed with me. I do it in supermarkets and at home.
My GoBag gets the newest supplies with the oldest in front of the D Drawer and the rest of the new in the rear.
It’s probably not necessary with sets and sensors in a climate controlled house. The big concern with them is degradation of the adhesives. Transmitters are best used oldest first as the battery will lose charge over time.
BTW - I. Still have fond feelings for that young woman and I was aware of what she was doing. The work was worth it to be with her, oh and I got paid.