Candy recommendation

Hey, I am looking for a recommendation on a flat candy.

Because flat would pack in a small kit better than anything else!

Looking for something small, like the little individual packs of Skittles or M&M’s. They have the right amount in them, but they are not flat.


Any ideas?

Please don’t say glucose tabs!

SweeTarts. Bottle Caps. You may have to repackage both, though, or do a major stock up at Halloween time?? (The “mini chewy” SweeTarts don’t fit your requirements, but may be the most addictive candy I’ve ever tried (I also may be a weirdo!))


I could also mention Smarties (U.S. version, which are like loped off pieces of chalk), but I think they’re gross.

One more idea, which is my current LBS candy for on-the-go: STARBURST FaveREDS Minis. Flat and they fit together in a package nicely. And they’re super tasty and ALL versions on a red theme! (Not sure why this won’t embed, but they’re available on amazon). Let us know what you wind up getting! I can’t wait to see everyone else’s ideas, too! (I don’t think I’ve had a glucose tab in my 31.5 years of being diabetic!)


Are Necco wafers too wide? I’d suggest Parma Violets but I’m not sure if you can get them in the US.

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Thanks for the ideas! Hopefully I will find something I don’t need to open and re-pack. Because the candy could go unused for years, I would not want to open any packs until I need to eat them.

I have found that the mini-packs of chocolate M&M’s are not as thick as the peanut or caramel flavored mini-packs. They are also thinner than Skittles packs.

But still trying to see if there is something even thinner.

Starbursts would be great, except they are packed the wrong way! They would be great if they packed them side-by-side, instead of stacked!

Round things always take up too much space. A lot of dead-space with them. For example, if you put two rolls of lifesavers together, you can see all the empty unused space between them.

It’s kind of like trying to pack Dexcom sensors! So much wasted space! :joy:

I have never heard of those!

How about Jelly Belly Sport Beans?


Check out CVS or Walgreens etc clearance after Valentine’s Day for little packages of candy that goes along with v-day cards for classroom exchanges. You might find what you’re looking for there. Or on the same trip, they’ll have just stocked for Easter, so do a run through that aisle and peek at all of the little packets of what can be stuffed into a plastic Easter egg (or stored flat for low blood sugar purposes!). I know I have seen little SweeTart packages for both v-day and Easter.

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I recently started using this, from Costco, also on Amz.

Better for preventing lows, with 15 carbs for the mini version, and slower to kick in. Currently on sale !!!

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Remember these?


Can you check the link? Didn’t work for me.

Thanks, works now!!

And no, I don’t remember them!!


I assumed you’d repackage the candies anyway, modifying some other container in a way no one else would have thought of.


I realize I sound like a complete nut here, but this is my sweet (haha) spot! And I thought of the perfect idea for you! Laffy Taffy! It is as flat as it can be and doesn’t really go stale. As you know, I DO NOT LIKE banana, so I custom blend my mix. 7g carb each. (so irritating that it won’t post the pic; I think the link will still work – I think it’s not posting the link b/c it’s special to me on amazon b/c I’ve purchased before)


My go-to flat candy is Airheads mini bars.

Not only are they flat, they bend and conform to curves. Very space efficient, good dosage per bar, not too hard to open, and yummy. The only potential problem is if you keep them somewhere cold they get hard and tough to chew.


LOL The advertising jingle is now stuck in my head!

I am going to try these. :grinning:


The taffy family of candy’s are definitely flat.

But they can sometimes take too long to eat when you are low! It feels like I am burning more calories than I am getting.

By the time I have finished chewing, I need another one to make up for all the calories I burned while chewing. :joy:


Yes, Airheads! Flat as can be. They were my go-to in color guard in high school. Even without pockets, they’d stay put in a costume’s waistband in case of a middle-of-the-show emergency… and when it was snowing, the body temperature kept them just right. :joy: Getting a blue tongue is a plus too! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I put skittles in the snack size ziplocks. I had some pretty old skittles this way. If you don’t care what they look like, skittle can be pretty flat.


I was going to suggest this too (check clearance sections). My favorite are the individual packets of Haribo Gummy Bears!!


Hey, look what I found. This is very flat!
