Buying a Samsung Galaxy for Omnipod 5 app use

I managed to break Omnipod 5 PDM and have decided to replace it with a Samsung Galaxy phone from the Omnipod 5 app “compatible list”. This time it was in my back pocket and I fell back on my keister into a hard landing shattering the screen. Based mostly on the below thread, I am zeroed in on trying to find a used/refurbished Galaxy S22.

Samsung Galaxy S22 added to Omnipod 5 Compatibility list - Type 1 & LADA - FUDiabetes

However, I am pretty illiterate when it comes to Samsung phones for use with Omnipod 5 app so here are my questions: Does the phone have to be unlocked or can it be locked/compatible with any random cellphone carrier, since I plan to use it only with wifi and not cellular? Is it worth it to get the S22 (at roughly $200, same price as a new PDM) or should I search out a cheaper/older phone from the list? Does the Samsung Galaxy also have an available Dexcom app and if so, is that redundant with the Insulet app on the same phone?


I do not know much about the Samsung phones but wondering if you need a new phone or just the Omnipod PDM?

Tell you my story & maybe it will help. I was pretty upset at Apple & their developer program, angry enough to want to ditch my iPhone, go back to a flip phone & get a Dexcom PDM. I got my Endocrinologist to make the prescription but as usually my Endo messed it & I was waiting & waiting. About 1.5 months later my Endo’s office wrote me saying they had a brand new in the box PDM did I want it. Of course I drove & got it that day.

Long story short. Tell your Endocrinologist about it & ask if they happen to have a emergency replacement for this type of thing. Also contact Omnipod & ask them also.

Now if you need a new phone too I am sure you will get some good advise here.

Best Wishes :smiley:


I don’t use OmniPod5 so I can’t comment. But I have a Samsung Galaxy S21, bought it refurbished from the Samsung site, unlocked (no carrier), at a great discount. I now am using Google Fi as the carrier for it, but just WiFi would be fine, too, as long as you don’t need a connection outside of WiFi range. I don’t have Dexcom on my Samsung phone (I am using Loop on iOS), so can’t comment on that or Insulet app.


What I’m really trying to do: buy a replacement PDM (or compatible phone) to use for about ??? Months until Insulet releases the Omnipod 5 app for iphones. I thought if I have to spend equal dollars on either a new Om 5 PDM vs a refurbished late model Samsung phone I would get the phone because then I would hopefully have a phone I could migrate to at some future date if needed. But the whole Android thing has me now rethinking that idea.

The whole thing is starting to feel like I can limp through until the iphone app comes out. I still have an old Om 5 PDM in the drawer (was a defective one they replaced for free in late 2022) with a good glass screen on it, thinking about bringing it to my friends at the phone repair store and swap out the screen to the working PDM with the shattered screen.


:clap: we got a winner!

That sounds like a great idea & a whole lot cheaper :smiley:


Just saw this bit of gossip. Hope it’s true…

He says in this video Omnipod has started a limited market release for the iphone app and it might get to us regular folks in 4 to 8 weeks. He also threw in that his source says G7 is any day now.

Not sure I would trust some dude on Reddit. But the G7 any day part was very interesting.

The part where you would have to forgo G7 in order to get the iPhone app sounds a lot like something that would happen with Insulet. I’m so far ahead on pods that this wouldn’t bug me at all.