Breakfast or Dinner?

It’s after midnight and I am having French toast and beer. Is that breakfast or dinner?

So I took a bolus at 12:15am, eating and having beer and then going to bed. Just like they taught us in diabetes camp. :+1:


Yes? YES!!


Looks delicious :yum: Beer for breakfast though? No, I’d call it supper!!


When the first chance I have to eat is after midnight, I figure - I didn’t just make that meal, I earned it! Lotta hours in that day.

Hope to be back to normal today.


It just depends upon the timing of your day or night. Breakfast is generally when we eat after 10-12 hours since the last meal.

I worked from midnight until 8AM. My wife convinced me to no go to bed when I got off, but to be like people with a day shift. So, I would go to bed around 2PM, have breakfast with the 10PM news and go to work, lunch at 4AM and dinner when I got home.

Now, to the beer and breakfast, we would treat ourselves on payday to hamburgers and beer at a student honky-tonk called the Chicken Oil Company. We couldn’t have fries because the fryers were cold. And generally we opened up the place, building fires in the wood stoves, confusing the staff without orders for beer and “death burgers” (generously heaped with various chili peppers). We were not in the mood for traditional breakfast foods.

I left out that we would be playing 8 ball on the pool tables. A fun time for a weary bunch of guys and gals. Next stop the bank to deposit our paychecks. Now you know how old I am. We got paper checks handed to us.


Reminds of my mornings painting in college, when I would start the day with blueberry pop-tarts and beer to stave off the effects of the night before…good times…


Breakfast of champions!


What a great balance with sweet and savory. You are such good fun!!

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