"Beat the Dexcom"

In an effort to get Liam thinking about how his body feels which will ultimately lead to, we hope, unlimited independence when he’s older, we’ve started playing a game with Liam that the amazing @Eric taught us, and Liam is having fun with the game. He’s not gotten close yet, but he does give us numbers and we’re certain that, over time and by playing this game constantly during every “blood stick”, he’ll become “aware” of his body.

We’re having a lot of fun playing this game with him and I would recommend it to any parent of a younger child. Teaching them to understand their body at an early age will help them in every aspect of their d-management when they get older.

If you’re unaware of the game, it goes like this:

During “finger stick” time, ask your child what he or she thinks their “number” is. After declaring to Liam “It’s time to BEAT…THE…DEXCOM!!!”, I then ask him, “How do you feel? Do you feel low, normal, or high?” When he gives me an answer, I then say “What number do you think you are?” Right now, he’s still learning the numbers associated with each of these areas because when he sometimes says he feels low, he’ll follow that up with a number of 215 or something like that. :smiley: So, we just repeatedly teach him what numbers fall within each area, and continue asking him during each finger stick.

For us, “low” is anything under 70. Normal is anything between 70 - 180, and “High” is anything over 180. So, after we do the finger stick and we see the number, we explain to him where the number falls and congratulate him on his guess. For now, we always tell him “You were close!”…even when he’s a hundred off. :stuck_out_tongue:

The point of the game is for Liam to be closer to the actual BG number than the Dexcom displays. If the Dexcom reads 155, Liam says he feels 140, and a finger stick shows that Liam is 135, Liam just “Beat the Dexcom.”

We’re looking forward to teaching him, over time, how to guess correctly, based on how he feels.

As always, I’m ever grateful to @Eric for his valuable contributions to Liam’s continued health and knowledge.


@ClaudnDaye, we often do what @Eric suggested as well on guessing numbers, but I love the idea of introducing competition w the Dexcom, what a GREAT idea!

Somehow, any kind if competition appears to bring my kids so much more into the game :slight_smile:

Does he know what the Dexcom reads ahead of time?

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No, we get his number first, then we show him what the Dexcom reads, then we finger stick.

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This is just wonderful to read. I am so happy to hear that you are incorporating this game into his management! The great thing about it is how he will eventually start to connect all the dots, like if he recently ate, what food he ate, feeling thirsty or tired, how recently he took insulin. All those things start to make sense.

I am very happy to hear about this. Made my day! Thanks for posting it!

Oh BTW, one thing I should add, a very important rule!
A guess that is within 5 points of the BG meter = $5


@ClaudnDaye thanks for sharing. It is a great idea.


Ha! we’re doing exactly the same thing – although we haven’t called it that.

Of course yesterday we asked Samson to estimate the number of peas in his cup – and he estimated 5 when it was 205, so clearly his number sense has a way to go :laughing:


The good news is that we have many years to work on it with them!! :smile:


Old dogs can learn new tricks, too.


So Liam’s Dexcom says 61 straight arrow down, but I’m pretty sure it’s not. I’m pretty sure it’s near or over 100 since I just gave him a correction 10 minutes or so earlier. So, he’s over on the other computer and out of nowhere he says “I’m tired Papa”. I say “You want me to check your sugars?” He says, “Yes.” I say, “Do you think you’re low, normal or high?” He says “Low is Tired, I think I’m low.” I’m slightly worried since his Dexcom IS reading 61 straight arrow down. So I check his sugars and he’s 100. What he may have been feeling was the recovery from the very brief “low” he probably actually did go through before rebounding.

But to hear him say “I’m tired” and equate “tired” with “low” makes me feel amazing at this stage. Still a LONG way to go because he doesn’t understand numbers yet (I said, what do you think your number is? And I say “Low is under 70”. He responds “160”. So he’s not quite there on the numbers yet), but that’s OK by me. The fact that he’s already understanding that “tired = low” (possibly) is a VERY good skill set to have, and to be able to recognize - even if one can’t get the number right on.

Super proud papa. Progress every day is what we parents hope for, and love to see!


Go Harold and Liam (and team Liam because I’m sure Erin Elizabeth and your boys also lend a hand)!

That’s the ticket that I think often gets lost for folks (D or non-D people): this is your body - how do you feel - explain it in words - relate to the experience you’re having and try to connect the dots. I’m often interested in how disconnected humans are about their health and their feelings about what happens to them.

Having him know if he feels like crap it’s indicative of something larger is amazing progress!


I also agree. We can all improve in some way every day!!

I think I guess my number about 75% of the time. If Liam can do every time… so can I!!! Thanks for the reminder Harold.