
@daisymae see my reply to author on what works for me: Kite Hill almond yogurt, unsweetened. The Greek style especially is delicious.

@cardamom I’m lactose intolerant, since a kid. No dairy yogurt has little enough lactose for me - and lactaid only converts it glucose, no help there!

I eat almond milk yogurt, Greek style - low carb, high protein, good fats, no lactose.

Dairy yogurt, cottage cheese, ricotta cheese, fresh mozzarella, etc all are incompletely fermented dairy products, and still contain lactose; even uncultured butters contain lactose.

Hard cheeses go through complete fermentation, eating all the lactose for energy. I buy cultured butter only, too. I’m that sensitive.


That explains my spikes after I drink my warm Lactaid Milk before bedtime!

@daisymae :exploding_head:

that’s why, in a pinch, if you’re lowish and out somewhere, and don’t have some glucose tabs, grab some low fat Lactaid milk! The glucose will work faster than sucrose or fructose.

(Technically, the lactase enzyme converts lactose into glucose and galactose, but we naturally and quickly convert the galactose into glucose.)


@TiaG the fermentation process only partially consumes the lactose from milk into yogurt. It’s incomplete fermentation, just like in all fresh or soft cheeses.

@Michel lactose is only only partially fermented in yogurt, lactose still remains.

Thanks for that. Even though I have always spiked from drinking it, I rationalize how healthy it is and the benefits versus the spike.

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I like yogurts but I always read labels