xDrip plus: watch as a receiver

That’s great! I don’t think you’ll have the same problem restarting in xDrip+ with the 8J sensor. Just to make sure you should upgrade xDrip+ to the latest nightly release. There are improvements with restarting all G6 sensors.

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Ok, 2 questions. How do I enter a calibration if I think it is not reading accurately and How do I update xDrip+ as you recommnded? LOL

  1. Enter the Bg reading in the treatment applet. Then it will give you the option of using it for calibration. Set this option up in settings>less common settings>advanced calibrations.

  2. https://github.com/NightscoutFoundation/xDrip/releases

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Hi, I was also looking at the Huawei Watch 2. It has a 4G data connection which interests me. Is it possible to use xDrip+ on a smartwatch like that fully independent from a phone? I’d like to basically use the watch as a live transmitter from the Dexcom G6 to the Dexcom Follow app without needing a phone at all. Is this possible using the current system?
Maybe this isn’t the correct place to ask but I have some experience in programming, etc., would this technically be possible with the Huawei Watch 2 or is there some limitation?

Hi @drmike Unfortunately, that isn’t possible. The app on the watch is not capable of communicating the data to the cloud, even though the watch is.

If you want that capability look into the Finow watches that run a full copy of Android, not Wear.

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Ok, thanks very much for your help! I’ll look into it.

We are using a Sony smartwatch3 as a stand alone. We are apple users so we did have to get an android device to initially connect it. It has been great for our 9 year old who was constantly losing his phone. It is also waterproof!

I’m no expert on setting it up, but you will find lots of advice on here if you find the ssw3 and go this route.

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It should works. I read some articles about it. You can you the watch as collector an with xdrip as a master for a follower. The follower can then see your sugar values on his smartphone with xdrip as a follower. But if you want to use nightscout it could be a problem.

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Yes, Nightscout also works with a my Smartwatch Huawei Watch 4G.

In the picture you can see nightscout in a browser, xdrip on my handy and xdrip on my watch.
Xdrip works as a collector standalone on my watch and send also my blood sugar to my womans Handy
where xdrip works as a follower.


But to be clear, it is the follower phone that is uploading to Nightscout, not the master watch.

No, it is not the follower. The watch is collector and master with xdrip at the same time.

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@Werner2000x Are you saying that the watch uploads to Nightscout? The xDrip+ developer says this is not possible.

I don’t no know why but sometimes i got my blood sugar upload to nightscout. But today it doesn’t works.