Who here is still using Loop?

I have been using loop for over a year now and absolutely love it and don’t have any plans to switch.

Just wondering who here is still looping? What version / branch do you like and why?

I just re-did mine and chose autobolus after having issues with freeaps (plus not supported any more) but haven’t turned the auto bolus on yet.


We loop (for going on 2 years) and also love it. Yesterdays A1C was 5.6% with <1% low/severe lows and about 8-10% high with about 1% very high. We use the FreeAPS (micro-bolus) branch.


I’m still Looping (it’s been almost 2 years). My last A1c was 5.4 with good time in range and <1% very low or very high.

I’m currently using Master Branch. I’ve tried both Free APS & Autobolus (AB) branches but like the Master Branch best (right now…but will most likely try AB again.

Love it!


I use the autobolus branch. This May will be my 2 year anniversary. I have not had a lab a1c in quite some time but Nightscout calculates a1c around 4.6, TiR 90+%, and SD < 20%. The major improvement for me is in the SD. Before Loop, I had a very difficult time consistently achieving a standard deviation below 20%. I read somewhere that a nonD has SDs of 15%, so that is my goal!


I’ve been looping a little over 3 years and use the master branch; the release version works well enough that I don’t feel an urgency to go to the development branches.