Welcome, introduce yourself here!

Welcome! I like to think we are the premier diabetic community of all those out there, but I am biased I suppose. :D. Sorry for the struggles but hopefully they are short term! When we have issues I just try to continuously remind myself that it’s but a blip of time in a lifespan.

We are still on the Eros PODs and don’t want to switch yet because…we’ll…”If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it” is my motto. Our son, Liam is almost 9 now and was diagnosed at 2. We have had so much luck with the Omniloop system (Loopdocs is the wiki site and “Looped” ID the FB group.). Our ending keeps asking us is we want to swap but we just aren’t interested right now. Liam’s A1C has been between 5.7 and 6.5 for the past 3 years or so and hopefully we’ll be able to continue with it for many years to come.

If you need anything, have questions or just want to vent, that’s what we are all here for and we created this forum as a reprieve from all the “doom and gloom” forums out there.

We believe that living an “unlimited life” is possible whether you get your insulin from a pancreas, a pen or a pump.


Hi @Mel529! Welcome to FUD!

Super cool to read your story. I especially thought it was neat to hear that a 12 year old is eating sushi before class! How cool is that?!? And doing theater, voice lessons, swimming. etc. She sounds awesome! :grinning:

I was diagnosed at age 6. That was just a few years ago. :joy:

I turn off my alarms too. I don’t want to disrupt anything with my Dexcom. (I’d rather disrupt stuff in other ways. :smile: ) I use a BlueJay watch when I am out, because it has an option to turn off all alarms and I can just look at it to see my number. But it just takes discipline to make sure you keep an eye on it.


I’ve met @Eric IRL. He’s a young spirit at heart and actually a great resource if you want one all joking aside.


I met him IRL and all I learned is that he can eat. I think I am still digesting that meal.


@Eric is Food’s Kryptonite.


First, I apologize for not yet reading all 1,326 prior posts in this thread. Also, I’m still on ‘probation’ here and I’ve been advised by Big Brother :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: that I’m running out of ‘likes’ for today. I will go back and peruse, but if I miss someone - Hi! I like your post!!

My name is Neil and I have been lurking and posting here for a coupla’ three months. Time to introduce myself:

Married to my lovely and unbelievably tolerant wife Jill for over 38 years, I am a 63 year old grandfather, proud father of two grown, successful sons, music lover (being both a hifi enthusiast and a hack guitar player, with a special fondness for free jazz, small scale classical and the Grateful Dead), an avid reader of sci-fi, fantasy, weird fiction and literature in general (my favorite author is Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., who I believe fits each of those categories), and a mid-handicap golfer (former A flight champion and immediate past President of my club), all in that order. I am also a self-employed divorce attorney by trade, nearing retirement, but that is my career, not my identity. I have lived in North Woodmere, New York, a suburb of NYC, for most of my life.

Although I generally shun social media (my Facebook, instagram and Twitter accounts have all been deleted from my phone), I look forward to participating in - and hopefully making useful contributions to - thoughtful discussions about our shared affliction and anything else of mutual interest. Obviously, I have to watch my diet (which is difficult because, like most of us type 2’s, I LOVE to eat - I hope I can say that without giving offense - and I especially like authentic Asian food, which, obviously, is a huge BG killer). In addition to type 2 diabetes, I have, among other things, mild CLL, pancreatic cysts, some anxiety issues, and more than a touch of arthritis. Nevertheless, I do not allow my health issues to be the focal point of my life. I hope that you do the same.

If, by chance, you have read my profile, then you already know all of the above, because I cheated and just copied and pasted it, with just a little editing.

Thank you all for welcoming me into your fold. This feels like an exceptionally ‘safe’ place, and we can all use one of those.


Thanks for posting @strat1117. I’m the same age as you! did you go to high school in North Woodmere as well?

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Yessir! Thanks for the welcome, @bostrav59. Born in Brooklyn, but raised here.

GW Hewlett, ‘77. Do you know the area?

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I only know it a very little. I come from a town in Western Mass, Amherst, and I was also class of '77 (at Amherst Regional High School).

I was surprised at my most recent HS reunion at the number of people who went to college and then resettled in the area. Especially for professionals, I always thought it was unusual for folks to end up in the (small) town that they grew up in. Maybe I’m wrong, but it always interests me.

When were the times you went away?


Other than vacations, I was in college in Bethlehem, PA from 77 - 81. Went to law school in Manhattan and commuted from home, but I lived in Brooklyn from birth to age 4, and then again from 84-88 (we were married in 85). But we moved back in 88 when my wife was pregnant with our first, and we’re still in the same house, about a mile from my childhood home (my mother is still there to this day - my father recently passed away). So 55 out of my 63 years in the same area, and I’ve always worked in Manhattan or Long Island, a true homeboy. And now that we have a granddaughter (who lives in Manhattan), we’re not going anywhere so fast either (I’m ready to retire to Florida, but my wife refuses to be an ‘absentee’ grandma - can’t say I blame her). My younger son, on the other hand, broke the mold and moved to San Francisco (he’s an AI researcher for Meta, and that’s their HQ - when the Cylons take over, you’ll know who to blame :innocent:), so now we spend a few weeks a year on the west coast - at least that’s something!

A good college friend of mine, who grew up in NJ, lived in Andover (eastern Mass., near Phillips Academy) for many years, and just retired to Pittsfield. I don’t know Mass. geography all that well, but I think that’s near you?

Anyway, time to go eat something, and we’re probably boring the heck out of everyone else with all this personal info. Good chatting with you. ‘Talk’ again soon.



Welcome @Strat1117, we certainly are nothing like other social media sites, and I am glad you decided to introduce yourself. I used to live outside of Philadelphia and enjoyed many weekends and evenings in New York. I currently reside on the other side of the country where the trees outnumber the people. No need to read all 1326 posts in the thread. it is one of our longest running and successful threads for a good reason. We get to meet new people!


Thanks for the kind welcome @Chris! My younger brother used to live in the Penn Valley area outside of Philadelphia - beautiful part of the country - and my younger son is now a west coaster, having moved to Nob Hill in SF a few years ago to seek his fortune in Silicon Valley (although, unlike the Asian restaurants, which are plentiful, the trees hardly outnumber the people where he is - lol!). I can already tell that FUD is different than other social media sites, and that’s why I’m here. Everyone seems great, and I have been made to feel nothing but comfortable and welcome. Plus, I’ve already learned a great deal about living with my type 2 diagnosis, and I’ve had a lot of fun chatting with some of the other denizens about this, that and the other thing. What a wonderful little corner of the interwebs!



I guess I’m supposed to introduce myself here?
Hi, I’m Keet and I’ve been T1D for 9 years now. Found this community and wanted to get active and start asking some questions. I’m a T-Slim X2 and Dexcom G6 user and decided to try and address some issues that have haunted/hampered me for years now. Looking forward to the feedback!


Welcome @keet! There are people here who can help with just about any question, any technology, any diabetes-related medicine, etc., So ask away and don’t be shy!


Did and done. Thank you!


Welcome @keet - you’ve found a great, and very safe, place. We are glad to have you here.


Have you tried Sourdough Pretzels from Bachman yet? I dont have any problems with them at all for some reason. (other than i read about sourdough and diabetes and that how its a good choice of flour compared to others, especially white flours.)


Hi @daisymae and everyone. I have not tried Bachman pretzels yet. My local bakery in Cambridge Ma has just come out with their own large soft pretzels, and I have warily tried them. Very good but does a number on the old bloodsugar.

I’m just back from 3 weeks in Egypt, Jordan, and Istanbul with all sorts of control issues out there. I’ll send along in a separate post.


Welcome back from your trip. Work related or pleasure? I envy the Jordan trip, always wanted to visit the standard tourist trap of Petra. I was assigned to Izmir in Turkey back in 1983-84 for 18+ months, enjoyed scuba along the west/south-west coast! Visited a few places in Egypt, but that was during military on a training TDY and didn’t get outside of Cairo.

Sorry you had some issue, hope they resolve quickly!


Hi all,
Trisha here…from Tallahassee in the great state of Florida, USA.

I was diagnosed with T1D in 2003 while attending grad school in London, England. It was an experience, I can tell you about one day if you are interested. Not a bad one, but not something one wants to do. While in the hospital laying on a stretcher waiting for my test results, (I was feeling terrible and getting worse by the day), the nurse came over to ask if anyone in my family had diabetes…well, yeah my grandfather also had T1 so that was that.

Anyway, on a pump now. I used to really like my Medtronic until they changed it up - now using Tslim and Dexcom G6. A husband and two kids later, I’m still battling the blood sugar coaster every day.

I look forward to being here and learning more from you all.