Time zone and data integrity problem with Dexcom and Omnipod data

Early versions of the Omnipod UST400 seemed to refuse to do bolus calculations for two hours after a time zone change. That was fixed about the same time as the hardware problem of the backup battery failing was fixed, but all versions still require insulin delivery to be suspended before a time zone change and that means that delayed boluses and temp basals end up being cancelled!

The Omnipod also has the issue I saw with the Dexcom receiver and, indeed, the issue with older Apple and Microsoft operating systems. The Omnipod and, I think, the Dexcom work in local time; I’ve found no way of setting the timezone on the Dexcom (maybe it can be set in the app) and the timezone certainly cannot be set on the Omnipod. This means that a data upload to Dexcom Clarity or Omnipod uploads local time and data overlaps or gaps occur as a result of time zone changes. That’s actually a data loss, which is generally regarded as the most serious of software bugs.

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