The Giant Gargantuan

A few days ago, @daisymae asked me if I was ever not hungry.

Tonight for dinner I had a Jimmy John’s Gargantuan, giant size. The big one is 16" long and has 166 grams of carbs and 2190 calories. They put so much meat and cheese in there, it has 156 grams of protein.

I think my wife was just trying to kill me. She asked what I wanted for dinner and I said, “A big sandwich.”

And yes DM, in answer to your question. When I finished, I was definitely not hungry. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I just finished a while ago, and what sucks is that I just tested my BG and it was 58. If I go low now, that will suck, because I don’t feel like eating anything else for a while. :joy:


you never cease to amaze me :star_struck:!!!

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I think just looking at that sandwich counts for half my daily calories :slight_smile:

@Eric, you are certainly unlimited! Amazing. I guess I want Samson to be able to eat like this as an adult if he wants to, although hopefully he’ll do enough exercise to burn it off too!

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Going low after that, might mean your intestines are occupied for a while. I like to think you would have IV’d some sugar solution.

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Yeah, it took a while for me to digest the whole thing. That’s the trick with eating something that silly without spiking, you have to take a bit more than you need and plan on dipping down low a bit, and then it is usually followed by a rise.

I came up out of the low without eating anything extra, and then I turned on an extended bolus for the night and it worked out well. I don’t think I went over 120 all night.

That’s the thing that can take a little experimentation to get a handle on - adding extra insulin before you see the spike, because you know it will happen at some point. I came up from the 50’s to the 90’s, at which point I added an extended bolus for the nighttime. I turned it off around 4am, I think.


Getting over the fear that’s associated with giving insulin while low, going low, or even near your bottom “safe point” is a secret we’re learning ourselves. The trick to not being afraid of insulin is in knowing what will most assuredly occur following whatever event you’re about to engage in (such as that massive, yummy looking sandwich) and doing your due diligence (taking the right amount of insulin) before (or whenever)…even if it seems like taking such a large amount of insulin is going to cause you to dip seriously low. You have to trust the science that food with carbs is going to make your sugars rise and just do what you have to do BEFORE that massive spike occurs (because we all know getting a handle on the spike beast after the fact is a lot more challenging than preventing the spike in the first place.)

We’re learning this ourselves with Liam and it really takes a lot of trust in science to “work”. We’ve bolused him for 60+ carbs before during ice cream sessions and such and, because we trusted in the science (and luckily he ate everything), we also were able to avoid the massive spikes. But we’re still learning and refining all the time. Liam will eat those kinds of sandwiches also…we’ll work together to figure out how to do it. If he wants a super gargantuan sandwich, then he should have it. I want him to acquire your level of skill to be able to do it.


I will keep training so that one day I can try to fend off the challenge of the young buck.

It will be a classic matchup - the wily veteran versus the rookie phenom in a sandwich eating cage-match. Winner take all!


That’s pretty spectacular @Eric, both the amount and the outstanding dosing! That sandwich would easily last me an entire day (or two) and I’d not feel hungry :slight_smile:

If you roughly converted your up-front bolus and the follow-up extended bolus into hypothetical “carb equivalents,” what would those be?

I just looked at my pump and I added up the total numbers for all the insulin it took for it (which actually ended at 4:30am when I looked at it), and it was an IC of about 11:1.

Which is a lot more insulin than a normal meal.

And that makes sense to me. Just like people’s correction factors change the higher they go, I think IC’s change for bigger meals too. Not sure if that is the same for other people, but it seems that way to me.


Yes - that is my experience. I can get down to a 1:3 IC ratio for a big meal but probably 1/2 of that is in the extended bolus.

Is that right because that sounds like over 1000u for that sandwich to me?

That would be one expensive sandwich.

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Wow - I just now realized why Dr. Bernstein advocates a low carb diet - it is a good way to save on insulin costs :smile:

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Oh, 1:11, I guess?

I don’t deal with those ratios much. :grinning:

Having just come up from a low and wanting to eat all the things, that looks amazing right now. :laughing:


For today, I think we should give @Eric the nickname “the boa-constrictor” . That way he can eat and wrestle under the same nickname.