Tandem Tslim X2 infusion set issues

Hello all!!!
I am a newer T:slim X2 user and I am having some issues with the infusion sets! I am using the Autosoft 90 and it seems like I can’t even go a full 3 days without it seeming to have issues with not delivering my insulin to my body, then when I go to change it as recommended by my diabetes educator it seems to be bloody as when It does go to the full 3 days it’s not bloody at all! Am I doing something wrong?


I switched from the Autosoft 90 to the Autosoft XC, and this was SO much better. Easier to use and no issues. Just make sure you are following the directions precisely. Hard to say what you could be doing wrong without watching you actually set one up.


What is the length of the cannula of the sets you are using? Perhaps they are too long. They come in 6mm and 9mm. I’ve always used the 6mm.

I agree with @allison the XCs are better sets than the Autosoft sets. One thing is they are easier to disconnect and reconnect when showering.

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I’ve been a Tandem T:slim user since May 2023. I had no end of problems with Autosoft 90 and soon switched to TruSteel and have much more success with it. Keep trying! You’ll find one that’s right for you.


Another vote for XCs !!


I also like the xc’s. In my experience very reliable.


A slight tangent - I contacted Tandem support because I had 5 XC sets come unglued even though I was useing the same proceedure like for evah. She said she could send me 6 Autosoft 90s. We had a discussion about how difficult those sets were to disconnect/reconnect for showering. She said that the Autosoft set release tabs were bigger.

These were the only sets she had on hand. That’s what I got in my introductory box with the pump. I wonder if Tandem has a reason for pushing Autosoft over other set types.


@CarlosLuis Perhaps I’m not understanding… Seems ludicrous to call an organization about one thing they sell because they were defective and get offered something else they sell that has nothing to do with the defective merchandise. Seems like calling a manufacturer about a blow up beach ball with defective filler mechanism and getting offered hula-hoop (ok, a bit too different…) let’s say a football as a replacement because that’s what “customer service” has on hand. Makes no sense… though the customer should have the opportunity to accept…


Thank you all for your help! I got a few XCs and Trusteel infusion sets from my distributor to see what works best for me! I will definitely update when I have answers!


@Ahawkins84 I hope it works out for you!

I had endless issues until I tried their Varisoft sets. Apparently the spring action on the auto-sets damage my skin too much, and even canula length/angle would hit muscle too often. Lots of kinks, bruising, and poor delivery.

With Varisoft I can adjust the angle of insertion to the body part, I don’t bruise either. I still change every 2 days, I think I react to the canula material (even omnipod did that).

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I had hoped that Tandem would more quickly use Capillary Biomedical’s infusion set research after buying that company. This video by Capillary Biomedical is quite informative on the issues of insulin infusion and inflammation. It appeals to my tech and design oriented mind that it ought to decrease site inplammation, occlusions and increase delivery and life of a set.

This is the latests I can find from Tandem from march 2023.
Tandem Acquires Capillary Biomedical | Tandem Diabetes Care.


thank you for the share! that’s super interesting!

That discussion explains so much about why infusion sites are so variable, and what causes them to deteriorate. I am going back to angled insertion sets, and eagerly awaiting the marketing of this design.