Still No G7 Omnipods at Kaiser SoCal

Just picked up my Omnipod 5 pod refills today at Kaiser here in SoCal. I have 3 Dexcom G6 Sensors left, and I hoped to get the newer pods that work with both G6 and G7 in time to request a prescription for the G7 before my G6 Sensors run out.
Unfortunately, the pods I got are G6 only. I asked at the pharmacy when they expected to get the newer pods, and they said they don’t. I took that to mean they don’t know.
Bummer. I’ll try again in 90 days. I thought the new pods were in full distribution over a month ago. It seems that progress for us is always slow…


@bggale When I lived in San Diego Kasier was not a very D friendly place to get your supplies, Hoping that you get what you need sooner rather then later. :smiley:

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I think I read that they expect all retail pharmacies to have them in stock by late fall.

I received the new ones last week with a little bit of extra effort. This is a map of the three pharmacies that definitely have them now.