@Jen pointed out that the no plastic case for Lilly glucagon is just a Canada thing.
In my case, this drove me away from the Lilly product to the NovoNordisk stuff. Bad marketing move Lilly
Also, the NovoNordisk stuff I have bought was an 18 month shelf life versus the 12 months with the Lilly stuff. I still keep expired glucagon, but I usually have fresh stuff somewhere.
Hmm. In the US, it appears that I get more than 12 months shelf life for Lilly. Right now I have 2 kits expiring 11/2018. So I am guessing it must be 18 months in the US
Honestly, the approving authority (FDA, TUV, or country approver) is going to determine the expiration date. So the same product could easily have a different expiration if the approving authority didn’t agree with the data supporting extending the expiration. Also, rare, but a drug could be made in two different factories using different methods, and each could have a different expiration.