Expired glucagon

I had an old one that I needed to replace, so rather than just toss it, I decided to test it out.

It expired September 2014!!

It worked fine. Brought me right up. I just did a mini-dose, about 25 units.

I had not eaten yet, so this was only glucagon doing it:

51 @ 12:49 pm
73 @ 1:04 pm
97 @ 1:10 pm
101 @ 1:16 pm
109 @ 1:21 pm

I am still rising, so I am glad I just did a mini-dose.

Anyway, new and UNexpired glucagon would always be preferable, and it would always be best to have a new supply for an emergency.

But just for the sake of peace-of-mind, I wanted to let everyone know, this stuff I had that was 3 years worked fine…