Scattered and looking for something new.... Been Pumping for 12 Years and have Really known Nothing But

Do you recall the thing about Levemir ramping up a bit right before it ends? Is that what you are describing?

Sounds good.

What was the time of your morning shot? Are you able to hit them at 8 hour intervals?

We discussed before doing them at 7am, 3pm, and 11pm to get them at 8 hours.

Where are you with that adjustment? Good? Bad?

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No… 3-3:30 was around the time I have to run out the door, get kids, etc. it was also after exercise, and I didn’t do anything to give myself a bump in between. It was the fact it turned around on its own and rose to a 135 (from a 60) that makes me think Levemir.


We discussed the change but also said I didn’t need to change anything if I didn’t see the need. Today it was clear because of the timing of the exercise and whatnot. Should I try 4:00 first? Or just jump to 3:00?

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Okay, yeah just making sure. If you see a spike like that and know for sure it is the Levi running out on you, it makes sense to go ahead and hit them at 8 hours intervals.

If you go to 7am, 4pm, and 11pm, it might work fine. There is some degree of flexibility. It might work fine…


If you plan for 7am, 3pm, and 11pm, and you occasionally get one a little bit earlier or later, it is no big deal. So I think it make sense to aim for the 8 hour intervals, knowing that you have some flexibility. To me, that makes more sense than planning for 7am, 4pm, and 11pm.

Aim small, miss small. Aim big, miss big. Right? Make sense?

Is that doable?

Do you have any idea why I wasn’t doing this right out of the gate?? 8 hours seems more than reasonable… why was I doing something less reasonable?

Let’s do it. Much easier than trying to figure out what I was doing what I was doing. 8 hours it is. :smiley:

So then 7 am- 13 units, 3pm- 7 units, 11pm- 6 units.

Can you handle it? :smiley:

SO guilty over here, as well!!! Hit the nail on the head!!


“Hmmm… these few (big) pieces are probably only like 2 chips… and these crumbs are probably a chip. And geez, a “serving” doesn’t look like much! I probably didn’t count enough little chip pieces… I guess ALL the rest of the crumbs won’t hurt anything”

:arrow_up:️ Me. Every time.


I refuse to even count what’s left at the end of the bag. It’s probably like 26 chips’ worth.

I do the same thing with chocolate chips.

I shouldn’t be alone with these things.


Yes, pots of coffee. I used to drink about 2 to 3 large mugs of strong stuff, before arriving at work. Then at work, I’d be the only one drinking after about 10, so I’d make pots for myself. I’d have more at home in the evening.

Quitting was a funny thing. One day, my stomach felt a little off, and I associated it with the coffee, right or wrong. Tea helped taper off the caffeine addiction without too many headaches. Now, I’m to the point where I could get by with 2 to 3 mugs of tea a day, and not notice much issue. I usually consume about 5-6 mugs of green tea per day, a vast difference in caffeine consumption.

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Yes, I absolutely know why! It wasn’t random, there is a reason behind everything.

Originally we were trying 2x shots at 12 hours, seeing if you could squeak 12 hours out of it. Remember that was a thing we were not sure about? The duration? If you get 12 hours out of Levi, it’s good because it works into a 24 hour day very nicely, but there is not much wiggle room if it runs out right at 12 hours.

You obviously were not getting 12 hours out of it, so the next thing was to do 3x. I was hoping you could get 10 hours, and do them at 7am and 5pm (and the last at bedtime), because it’s much easier to remember a basal injection when it coincides with a meal. If you take your meal bolus and basal at the same time, it’s easy to remember. You don’t forget your meal bolus, you are used to it. So if you associate the meal bolus and the basal injection at the same time, it reduces the risk of forgetting it. With me on that?

So now, if you do them at 7am, 3pm, and 11pm, it’s a nice and evenly spaced at 8 hours. But, now you have to remember a 3pm basal shot that coincides with nothing! No regular meal at 3pm, so there is a risk of forgetting and missing it. So that is the downside of the timing.

On MDI I always tried to have my basal injection schedule coincide with meals. I would open the fridge, and take out both my rapid insulin vial and my basal vial. It was easy to remember, it became automatic. I wouldn’t ever forget basal because the mealtime shots were the same time!

I wanted to keep it very simple for you since you are not used to MDI, so I thought if you could get 10 hours out of it, the 5pm shot would be easier for you to remember if it was at a mealtime.

All make sense? I promise you, there are no random decisions in anything I tell you. :wink:

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[quote=“Eric, post:269, topic:4871”]
of it, th


I don’t know what to say!

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Sleep post.

That is SO scary. :woman_facepalming:


I wasn’t sure what it was, I thought maybe it was AngryNicky. :open_mouth:


Well, I was responding to your mansplaining… so it probably WAS angrynicky. :grin:

And now my phone is going to die so I’ll say, in all seriousness, yes. To whatever you said up there. Yes. :grin: I don’t have time for more, but I did understand, remember, and all of that. And I’ll be back with keyboard to break it all down.

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are you feeling misunderstood? :grin:

I’m only kidding. And, yes, I really DO remember now.

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If you’re available for some insight, I could use some. I have been “in the weeds” for the last couple of days and have been…

don’t even feel like the drawn out intro. Here’s my “in the weeds” trace.


I’m high I’m low I’m high I’m low… I can get a flat line when I have enough time to track everything and make informed decisions, etc. Then there’s this… I didn’t eat anything bad.

I don’t know how not to roller coaster when I’m busy, and I feel like I’m getting busier everyday. Tomorrow’s not looking so good either… thoughts??

These kind of days are hard because my thinking at the end of it all is … faulty. I am tired and kind of just want to make it all better with some kind of high carb thing that’s gonna make me hit the roof tonight.


It would be impossible to speculate on all of that without context of what happened right before those spikes and drops were going on.

Is food causing it? Or is it a basal issue?

Can you get your basal nailed down and then work on the bolus and meal stuff?

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If I told you I didn’t think it was either?? Would you believe it?

I’m running around like, and I apologize for the tired metaphor, a chicken with its head cut off. It’s been nonstop all day. At any given moment, I have six things that MUST be done. I haven’t even gotten the chance yet to sit and prioritize and to choose the things I want most to do. I know that’s the proper thing to do, but THAT has been on my To Do list for two days. I’ve JUST sat down. It’s 11:21 pm. I’ve been on my feet, or sitting and hustling through some kind of task, since 5:46 this morning. I was up till midnight? 1? 2?? last night. I was responding to YOUR message sometime overnight. (I didn’t mean it like YOU are why I was responding to a message at 3 am… just that it was easy and clear evidence that my nights are not particularly restful). And I’m not done for the night. I would like to be done, but I forgot to start the dishwasher… forgot my meds… need to put the laundry in the dryer…and give the cat water.

This sounds whiny, but I’m not whining. This is just what things are for me at this very moment. And days like today remind me of having a newborn… and toddler… and trying to get 8 minutes to get one item done on my 36 item to do list. It also reminds me of how it all got away from me. How do you adjust a basal to a accomodate for all of that? I don’t think I ate today… or at least nothing more than a few pieces of cheese, a cracker… banana? It was stuff I could grab between running from one room to another…

I’m overwhelmed. I’m venting. I would’ve been tired right now anyway, but when my blood sugar bounces like that all day long, it leaves me a special kind of tired. A broken kind of tired.

Tomorrow will be mostly the same + I’m taking my mom for a medical procedure. I’m hoping it’s smoother…

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I understand what you are saying. I wish I could give you a more meaningful response but I am absolutely licked right now and can’t say much that is useful.

Sometimes life gets in the way of diabetes. I am sorry.

I know Levemir does not adjust like your clever pump. But I am not sure your pump would have been better for you today. Who knows what that crazy demon would be doing today.

See if you can get a stable normal day of life. Assess your basal on a normal day, and then adjust it for the crazy.

Wish you the best on Friday.

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