Running with OmniLoop

I had run previously from 2006-2010 and did manage to do 4 marathons and 3 halfs during that time. I had to stop due to plantarfaciaitis (sp.). I started running again in September of this year. I am totally enjoying it again. During my time when I was not running I was cycling very seriously. I still love getting on my bike when there is no snow. I have done many different long rides in my lifetime.

I have had Type 1 since the age of 15 and this year was Year 35 for me and diabetes. Yes I am 50. I am a medium carb dude.

I am currently training for a 10K in Edmonton, AB in February. I just finished week one of my training program. These runs are varied. Today was an easy day. Yesterday was my long day. I usually run at race pace except for the longer day and recovery day (Sat/Sun).

Prior to running I set my exercise icon on my Loop about 1 hour prior to running. Depending on my blood sugar is how many carbs I eat prior to. I like to eat 15 minutes before heading out. My starting B/S in an ideal world would be between 8 and 10 mmol/L (x18 for mg/dL). I like when I finish and I am around 7 mmol/L. I use the exercise app during and after and then keep a close eye on my sugar levels following my run. I usually then have a cup of chocolate milk and depending on where my sugars are maybe some other snack.

I hope this helps some. I understand that it is difficult to give some advice online. Are you a runner on Strava? Just curious.