Running with OmniLoop

I continued to work on pace and cadence this week. Again, I know my posts are wordy so please feel free to skip to the Numbers and Graph if short on time!!!

One comment on my morning… Either I was experiencing dawn phenomenon, or the late start today, caused a huge decrease in my insulin sensitivity. I needed to take 4X the normal insulin for my breakfast. In the end, the extra insulin worked with just a slight high of BG 122 at 10AM and no low, but it meant I had a LOT of insulin in me for my noon time run. Hence I did a ZB for duration of the run, even though I did not have a low trend prior to the run. I just wanted to be safe.

I’m now using the iSR app on my Apple Watch and iPhone. After each run, I export it to Training Peaks where it is much easier to view the stats. iSR does show logs including stats and graphs of the runs on the iPhone, but my iPhone SE is not too practical for viewing details!

So far, I’m pretty happy with both of these apps. I created a couple of custom Workouts in iSR on my phone and have used them on the past few runs. I created an 8mi at 10 min pace workout, and as I run, iSR responds whether I’m xxx secs/mins faster, slower, etc. Also gives the milage, pace and cadence on the mile so I never have to look at the watch (EXCEPT for BGs!!). I’ve never used a workout app, so this is all pretty fascinating to me!!! I can see how people get hooked on it! :slight_smile:

I’ve been using this workout for a few days, and I’ve been able to come maintain the goal at 9:41 / mile pace. The uphills are a bit slower, and iSR notifies me of this! So I wait for a downhill to make up the time!! :slight_smile: It is definitely a motivator. Before I had no idea what pace, cadence, hr, etc., I was doing. I also created a workout for Intervals based on HR Zones. I haven’t done this one yet. I’m not familiar at all with HR zones, but will try it out. Maybe I won’t be able to meet the goal and will need to adjust the workout!! Stay tuned!

Here are the numbers for today’s run:

12:38 Run Start, BG 82, Loop Running Override giving ZB
12:58 BG 83, Huma (21g carbs)
13:54 BG 104, Loop Scheduled Basal 0.5U/hr giving temps 1U - 2U, Bolus 1.5U for Boost shake
14:05 Run end, BG 103, Boost shake 16g carbs
Duration: 1 hr 21 mins
Distance: approx. 8.3 mi
Avg. Cadence: 88
Avg. BPM: 128
NGP: 9’41"/mi

Tidepool graph: