Restarting G6 sensors and transmitter

Well I think that it must have if your pump was asking for calibrations, since we started the G6 we haven’t been asked for a calibration even once.

That was the first time for me too although I haven’t been using it very long. Guess I’ll see what happens tonight.

Another good sign I think- I just discovered while being very active that basal IQ was not on and had to be restarted.

With xdrip+ do I have to tell it to restart the sensor every 10 days or will that happen automatically since I turned that on in settings? Anybody ever hear of anyone going more than 20 days per sensor?

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I’ve gotten 23 days, and I’ve got a couple of friends who have gotten even more than that. I’m on day 13 on my current one, and it’s going strong, so hopefully this’ll be another one. :crossed_fingers:

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Great to know!

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I’ve gone 23-24 days with several sensors so far. I’m an iphone user and due to nothing more than bad timing on my part, I’ve been able to extend all but one of my G6 sensors by removing the Transmitter (keeping it off for more than 15 minutes) then putting back on (taping it back on to keep it in place).

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I love getting all this helpful info. Thanks for sharing!

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Do you then do start new sensor, with 2 hour wait, or does it give readings without new start?

I have done the stop, restart, on receiver, put in microwave for 2 hours. But also installed xDrip and can see data continuously during that 2 hour wait.

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So my issue is that the first time I wanted to restart my sensor it was 30 minutes before my session ended. So I tried this option and stuck with it.

I specifically do not Stop & Restart the sensor before removing the transmitter. 30 minutes before I go to Bluetooth settings and have it “Forget the Device” (Transmitter) first, then take off the transmitter, leave it off for at least 15 minutes, pop it back on, turn the Bluetooth back on and it asks to Pair the transmitter. I start getting readings on my iPhone in 10-15 minutes!!


Are you using dexcom G6 app on iPhone? And don’t use receiver at any point ?

Seems there are multiple ways to get sensor reuse/extended days!

I tried removing my trans from first G6 sensor, but broke the sensor holder, and wasn’t able to get readings after I taped transmitter back in. Maybe I didn’t wait long enough.

But have been successful with receiver in microwave, while phone with xDrip continues reading.

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Yes, I’m using the G6 app on the iPhone and only turned on the receiver to set up when I first got it.

The first time I tried removing the G6 transmitter I didn’t have much luck with getting readings after that but I didn’t keep it out for more than a few minutes. Since then I’ve been very careful when removing it, trying to keep the bracket intact as much as possible.


One important question:

How long is it safe for the skin to wear the same sensor without any problems for skin health?

I don’t believe there’s any one right answer to this. Every persons skin is different.

Don’t know if you’ve tried but using test strips on just the sides without twisting works like a charm and is really quick and easy:

For my restarts, I take the transmitter out with this method of using the test strips, clean the sensor black dots and transmitter, then pop the transmitter back in after 10 minutes. No additional tape required

This restart method also can be done after the sensor has expired. I also believe it helps with keeping the signal strong because you can get the dirt off the inside of the sensor and transmitter before entering day 11


From my experience I can go up to about 6 weeks without problems.

For me the sensor falls off long before I start to get skin issues but there can be a bit of redness if I push it really long.

I have not had issues with the sensor causing any long term skin damage.

@elion It depends person to person. I personally don’t get skin problems from wearing my dexcom too long with sim patches or pump peelz stickers as my extra adhesive

Thanks @LarissaW. I’ve been using a pair of tweezers so I can grab the transmitter and remove as soon as it pops out a little bit. But this is a great tip!! Thank you.

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When we time Liam’s transmitter it takes my wife and I working together. Lol. She pries the sensor open with her fingernails and I grab the sensor out when it’s opened up enough.

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Try the test strip! Each time I’ve used it the transmitter just kinda pops out


We use G5’s, but if we ever upgrade, this is definitely a good trick to keep in mind!