Reservoirs: How low can you go?

We decided with the last pump site change to leave the insulin in the reservoir, even though there were only 29 units left. He now has 7 units left in his reservoir and he’s running high and we’re wondering if the boluses are actually going through.
I’m wondering – does the Medtronic 722 deliver the last few units of insulin in the reservoir, or does it stop delivering when you just have 10 or 20 units left? I can’t seem to find anything in the pump manual to clarify. I assumed that it stopped when it was absolutely dry, but maybe that’s not right.

I have a t:slim pump & have gone to zero a couple of times. I have not noticed anything wrong when i get below a certain number of units left. For me, it’s more of an alert so i don’t run out. I would think your pump would tell you it’s not delivering, kinda like when you disconnect.

Maybe someone else with your pump will answer soon. Hang in :blush:

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Wish I could answer this specifically, but I can say that I routinely run my Omnipod down, and I find it’s mostly been good to the last drop.

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I have a Medtronic Revel pump and i have found that once i get below 10 units, my BGs trend up. but, when the LOW INSULIN alarm comes up, it means i have about 20 units left in my reservoir, so i don’t bother changing it right away…unless of course, if i am planning on doing a dual bolus that requires more than usual amount of time to finish pumping (for example, if i program my pump to deliver my insulin over an extended 3 hour period, i will change my reservoir, even if i have plenty on board. i know that i could get away with it, but i get anxious that i might forget and then run dry.)

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