Wait, are you saying xDrip will share the data to Dexcom Clarity? If that’s the case I’m going back to xDrip this weekend when I put a new sensor in, got 3+ weeks out of the one in my arm now and the readings are way more accurate the longer the sensor is in, IMHO at least.
I’d probably have to download a newer version since I still have the original beta site.
So when your wife follows does she still use the official Dexcom follow app because it’s pushing to the servers? Or does she have to follow with the xDrip app. Currently the Endo reviews all the reports at each appt via clarity share code, if I use xDrip with Dexcom credentials uploaded can the Endo still see the info in the clarity? And can the followers still follow in the Dexcom follow app? This is all new to me sorry for all the questions.
@Muffy04. No, xDrip+ doesn’t currently upload to Clarity. Soon to upload to Tidepool, from which you can get your data into Clarity.
Yes, xDrip+ will upload to Share so you can have followers. Or, better yet, xDrip+ has a built in capability of having a master device syncing with follower devices with xDrip+ installed.
BTW, once you use xDrip+ you will never go back to the Dexcom app. XDrip+ makes the Dexcom app look like a toy.