Random D thoughts

The other day I was at the drive-thru and they asked if we wanted any condiments.

I said, “No, we’re just friends.”


And cookies! :cookie::cookie::cookie:


Over the last couple of days two friends, both concerned and meaning well, said a couple of upsetting or unsettling things. The first was during a phone call while I was dealing with a low: what do you do if you pass out while you’re alone? (The cats start nibbling on my toes??) Seriously, I reminded her that I use a CGM and set alerts to prevent just that. The next day another friend said, in reference to how she was coping with a couple of acute health problems right now, said something like, “I don’t know how you do it”. I think she meant it as a compliment but afterwards I’m thinking “well, you either cope with it or die”… Sigh…

Off to yoga soon…gotta finish my cookie!! :cookie:


I know it is not so funny—but I had a huge laugh from the surprise of reading your sentence :slight_smile:


That’s exactly how I respond when someone says that they could never do what I do when I’m calculating a lunch bolus or something else like that where I’m with others.


That’s also my standard response to anyone who says something like, oh I could never give myself shots! or whatever. Well, if it was life or death, you’d probably figure it out. Most diabetics weren’t like, YAY SHOTS! before getting diagnosed…


I remember thinking that before my diagnosis. I got cured of that thought pretty quickly when I was diagnosed. If only I could get cured of diabetes too…


I suppose most people don’t exactly like shots, but for me they have actually been a positive experience all along. Every time I take a shot, I get this feeling that I’m doing something to deal with my situation. Especially in the beginning, it somehow felt really good to take action.


Its interesting that folks still say this. I started injections in 1960s when needles were huge, and I was 5. The needles used today are so much smaller and painless.


It doesn’t help that just about every newspaper or magazine article about vaccinations or other injections shows a picture of a screaming child or wincing adult.


Also I suspect most non-diabetic people have no idea what our needles look like, especially if their only direct exposure to injections has been for IM shots like vaccinations. When I show people mine, they are almost always surprised at how small they are.


Remember the morning ritual when we sterilized the glass syringe and huge honking needle on the stove with double boiler? Good times :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Clearing trash off my kitchen counter and had to laugh a little at the pile…

(No, I did not eat a whole cake, though I definitely would’ve needed practically that entire pack of Afrezza if I had). :laughing:


Are you sure?!? Maybe it was a whole “diabetic foods” cake?!? That photo from your grocery store was hilarious in so many ways. Aisle 6 is bizarre!

The diabetes trash is pretty funny. I always wonder what the waitress thinks when EH leaves the Afrezza empties on his empty plate. He took some this weekend at a brunch place in town and had a major coughing fit. I think everyone thought he was using illicit drugs or something - at the table. I had a super good laugh at everyone trying to covertly stare at us. He just mowed down his blueberry pancakes and was happy. :joy:


I wish you could have seen the exubera stares I used to receive.

Is this for when you don’t have time for candlelight dinners, long walks holding hands in the moonlight, or cuddling by the fire? :thinking:


or maybe when your dog is happy to see you…





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All this intellectual and stimulating conversation in here, and all I’ve been doing is sleeping, napping, and resting. I’m not even sure where I’d have to begin to get caught up. :thinking:

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The answer is simple…
