Newbie G6 question: starting the app mid-session

I’ve just jumped from G4 to G6 and have never used a CGM app before. Can I start using the app midway through a session I started with the receiver, or would I need to either stop my sensor and then restart with the app or wait until this sensor session is over?

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I think you should be able to use both receiver and app without any sensor stop. I haven’t used the receiver myself but others have used both concurrently since the G6 allows you to pair it with the receiver (OR pump) and the phone concurrently.


Correct. I have G6 paired to Tandem pump and phone with xDrip.

Starting midway will work same as if done at same time, they both get data from transmitter.
Phone app may pick up past data stored on transmitter.


Thanks to both of you for clarifying.

I wasn’t sure about starting up the Clarity app because there are various scenarios where that sort of thing doesn’t work. For instance you can’t switch to a PDM if your pod was started with Loop, or you have to stop a pod before you can start using a new PDM, etc.