My very best 2018 New Year wishes to us all and to FUD!

FUD is such a part of my life now that it seems impossible it has only existed for 9 months. Not even a year!

And yet I feel closer to all of us (I don’t even feel like saying “you,” it feels like it always should be “us”) than to almost any others—truly, like my brothers and sisters, including the squabbles from time to time. I have shared bad moments, worries, and also lessons learned and wins, with everyone, and feel that I have equally been a part of other people’s lives, anxieties, sadness and victories as if I was in it myself.

When something happens to me now, it seems that the first thought I have is to share it here. This is quite a testimony for a person naturally reluctant to share personal moments. What I enjoy most is that we understand each other, that we have common goals, and that we learn with each other to all become better at beating diabetes. We refuse to be limited by it.

And so, on the New Year’s Eve 2017, I would like to wish all of us, and FUD, the very best for 2018: may it bring to us all happiness, health, and peace.

As my great-grandmother used to say on every significant day: cien y veinte años y más de buena vida—one hundred and twenty years and more of good life!


Happy New Year to everyone!

Someone gave me these. Champagne flavored gummies. Perfect for tonight!