Jerusalem artichoke

Is anyone familiar with Jerusalem artichoke? Where to buy it? I don’t know anything about it other than it may be beneficial:

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They are more often called sunchokes where I am. I’ve seen them in farmers markets and markets with good produce sections. Be warned, they can cause a lot of gas, so I’d suggest trying in moderation or even small amounts at first.


Thank you - that’s good to know!

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They are tasty, we give them a quick pickle and add them to salads when we can find nice ones. We also add them as a minor ingredient to mashes after we roast them.

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Ones that have overwintered in the ground have had time to convert their natural sugars to easily absorbed fructose and apparently therefore cause much less gas. Of course you won’t usually know whether they spent the winter in the soil, but could ask at farmers’ markets.


I picked up some today…

Pretty excited to try them tomorrow or soon.

We had Celeriac in a salad with some romaine lettuce and sliced Apple.

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