Instinct versus observation

This is almost exactly what @Eric calls “the Force”. And suggests we all use. And he’s right! The Force is rad. :smile:

And yes, I am a juice giver for an adult. :rofl: Never realized how weird it was that I’m the member here. But really @EricH and I share one brain, so it’s kinda the same as him being here. And he spends loads of time managing his diabetes, but he just doesn’t post. Not as chatty as I am for sure. Heehee!

Since spending time on FUD we’ve started doing around 15 grams and waiting 15-30 minutes. I think we have @Thomas to thank for that? However, sometimes he knows that he needs more or less and doses accordingly.

Unfortunately, sometimes it’s too much and then he skyrockets. Which has been happening lately, but it’s very specific - I think he needs a basal adjustment in the evening. Goes low post-dinner, corrects, then ends up at 200 overnight. It’s a new thing in the last two weeks. Aaaaand thanks to FUD, and the fact I repeat to EH what happens here, we’ve just made an adjustment which hopefully will correct that.

And in the discussion we realized that I never decided the amount of sugar administered. I am flatout bad at the numbers. Maybe I should get a better handle on that. I stick with the 15/15 rule usually because I can’t compute the other options that might exist. So if he’s really low and I’m doling out the sugar, yes, I measure 15 grams. But often it’s not Juice he’s correcting with - so with the varied correction foods, absorption timing is different, etc.

Ha! “Here Eric, your portion is 11 Frosted Flakes and two tablespoons of milk. Enjoy!”

Many people here at FUD have reported the eat all the things when low phenomena.