InPen launch next month

Ugh! Eating isn’t worth all that trouble.

I just do it, I never enter anything. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


@Eric In all seriousness, there are really not many PWD’s as in touch as you with their condition to manage successfully without statistical support.

Even after 46+ years there are times when I absolutely rely on accurate statistics to guide me. Maybe I have a learning problem.

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I get the concept - 15 grams is always 15 grams, and a BG of 90 is always a BG of 90…

But it’s just not!

15 grams can mean many different things depending on circumstances, type of food, how well you are metabolizing, and all of the variables. And a BG of 90 can be going up, down, whatever.

That’s where I veer from the stats and formula. They are just a snapshot, but they are constantly moving. So the plug-and-chug formula method just doesn’t make sense to me.


We’ve been using the app M:Diabetes for the last month or so, and while there’s a few issues, it’s been really quite good. You’ve got a math-y-er brain than I do, and probably could decide if it was worth it for you or not quickly. It integrates with the Dex, and the support has been very speedy and quite helpful. I’m meaning to write more about it sometime, but thought you might like it.