If I’m allowed to do a poll, I’d like to do a poll: How many people here use a CGM? How many do fingersticks only?

I’d like to add a third category, which would be how many people just don’t test, but I don’t imagine I’d find too many of them around here. (I would’ve been in that category for about 12 years of my diabetes life).

Anyway… my pump is suspending itself. Again. I’ve got my meters but only really feel the need to test anything because my pump is suspending itself… again. And in front of me just so happens to be “All About CGMs”, chapter 2 of Pumping Insulin, WHICH CONtAINS all of the little things you need to remember about your sensor in order for it to give a helpful number (Medtronic’s list is way longer)… and I think “why?Why am I doing all of this? And then I wondered about you all and how many of you used CGMs at all. And almost pulled off a simple poll but then got to philosophizing… :roll_eyes:

Sorry. Polls are not allowed.

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I’m kidding of course! Have at it! Make an official poll!

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You just caused a palpitation…

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That sounds technically advanced… or technologically advanced. I still use paper calendars and sticky notes for reminders…

  • It’s Hard
  • It’s Very hard
  • It’s Impossible!

0 voters


Should add a both category.

But essentially people would need do to calibrations, so they would be doing both anyway.

Just make is clearly worded. I use both, but I don’t really rely on CGM for anything except nighttime alarms.

So while I use a CGM, I don’t really “use” it for much.

So just have clear kind of categories.


A BOTH category… I use both and still didn’t think of that. :grin:

@ClaudnDaye… All great ideas and nice demo… still don’t know how to make a poll…

It’s an option in the toolbar… The wrench. Or you can straight code it in.

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Right. I was going to do that… and get it to you this time next year. :grin:

The wrench…now I’m looking for the wrench… which is on the toolbar…

And now I’m looking for the toolbar…

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Shot through the heart, and you’re to blame, who gives love a bad name?

  • “You”
  • Nicky
  • Bon Jovi
  • Other

0 voters


Okay seriously, just let everyone do your poll. They won’t know what it’s about and will just project meaning onto it. Custom fit and everyone will have more fun. :grin: I’ll work on some skills before throwing out the poll idea in the next post…

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I’m losing brain cells here at an alarming rate…

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The gear… On the toolbar… It’s the gear…

You have to know what I’m talking about… It’s the thing with the stuff.


Which is the way I understand it… but when I click on the stuff and see the “gear” it just takes me away to another place. It’s cool. Sometimes things weren’t meant to be, and the laugh I’ve had over it all was way better than any real poll results were going to be. Actually, I really was in for the poll results, but I’ll take the laugh. :grin:

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Does the trust level control options in the gear menu

  • 1 yes
  • 2 no

0 voters


I checked Nicky’s account (on mobile) and I see the gear and the build a pool option.

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Okay don’t make me do this.

I am going to take a picture of everything I see and spam your site with them PLUS long descriptions about how I interpret them…

Because I see your little picture up there with cute hand drawn arrow pointing to where my gear is… except when I click on the gear…

I’ll be back.

All you people had to say was “start a REPLY… and in your REPLY you’ll find your gear…”