I did domething really stupid

…and am now dealing with my own bout of blood sugar insanity. Yep, tried to scruff the angry cat–really, I know better–and he bit my finger. I am on mega-antibiotics and the wound is healing but my blood sugar is still out of control. I am over-bolusing for the food I am eating and supplementing with Afrezza but no joy (or lunch yet today). So is mine a typical experience for a localized infection plus antibiotics? Any suggestions?


@CatLady Yes, an infection can wreak havoc on Bg control. And “local” infections don’t really stay local. The amount of bacteria in your bloodstream, and WBC count is probably pretty high.

Periodontal disease is an infection I’m very familiar with, and its effects on Bg control. I don’t think an infection from a cat scratch would act much differently. You should start to see better Bg control as soon as you have a sufficient antibiotic blood level for a few days.

Just hang in there.


Thanks, Doc!! I really appreciate the reassurance.


Here’s the cgm trace from Monday night–first normal-looking one since the incident. I learned a lot about adjusting basal and bolus settings from this event! :face_with_thermometer::face_with_head_bandage::scream_cat:


Nice looking trace!

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Thanks! Wish it would repeat but I’m thinking I’m gonna be on another round of antiobiotics 'cos the last couple of overnights have been a bit rough.Today took 2 trips to Wal-Mart and 1 each to Lowe’s and Home Depot before My BG finally trended low…which I then fixed with coffee and an eclair. :coffee::doughnut:

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Don’t feel bad, I do stupid stuff every day. You have a lot of catching up to do, CL.

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Just a follow-up: After 3 weeks of antibiotics (2 oral, 1 topical), my finger is still somewhat swollen at the knuckle but the x-ray showed no puncture in the joint. I am still having a lot of trouble with BG control despite higher basal rates and over-bolusing for meals. Enough already!! :grimacing:

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So sorry :frowning:

Oh no! I’m so sorry you’re still struggling. Are you going off the antibiotics soon?

Have you tried soaking in Epsom salts? Sounds crazy but when I stupidly tried to pet my feral cat and got a minor scratch that swelled a lot, it helped.

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Years ago I had an infected finger that two different types of antibiotics didn’t clear up. I saw a different doctor who wouldn’t prescribe antibiotics but told me to soak my finger in hot salty water (as hot as I could stand) three times a day. Within a week, the infection was clearing up. Maybe something to talk to a doctor about trying.

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I had to soak twice a day with Hibiclens for 10 days, but maybe some Epsom salts or table salt soaks might help with the inflammation. Thanks, @TravelingOn and @Jen.

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I agree! The fact that your Bg is still wonky is evidence that the antibiotic therapy you are on is not being effective.

Do you have the option of seeing an infectious disease specialist? Sounds like a tissue culture may be in order.


When my son gets a cold, his insulin needs run high for up to 2 weeks afterwards. Maybe something similar here?

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Probably not. With a prolonged course of antibiotic, if it is working properly the effect on Bg of any residual, contained infection should be minimal.

I just now saw a patient who has a foot infection for which he’s been on a pretty high powered antibiotic for about ten days and his Bg has been skyrocketing. I advised him to see the foot doc for evaluation and give his endo a call to adjust his correction dosage in the meantime.


Yeah, antibiotics in my experience, when they work, whack down the worst of the infection and its effects pretty quickly. Very different from recovering from a viral infection, which typically takes however long it takes to run its course, since for most, not much you can do to directly treat them except manage symptoms and rest.

I know cat bites and scatches can be notoriously nasty, in terms of potential for infection. I’d definitely consider escalating to a specialist if it doesn’t respond more soon—hope it will though!


I have been soaking my finger and slathering on the ointment…and am cautiously optimistic 'cos I had to reduce my basal overnight and eat Sweetarts (twice!) to avoid a low in the early morning and the knickle actually bends. Now that’s exciting! :wink: