Happy Thanksgiving 2020!

The captain’s cut get’s my vote :+1:t2:

Sorry you couldn’t have spent the day with your family


I am a little late here but we usually go out to our most authentic Chinese place here in Little rock and have a Hot Pot for Thanksgiving. It is a TON of fun and everyone is laughing and talking and helping each other cook their food in the delicious broth. Well, this year our little place was closed so we decided since it is just the 4 of us we would deep fry the duck in our freezer! (after complete thawing of course) We had a blast!! It was very tasty and I made our all time family favorites. We do a full on Turkey and dressing meal with the fam at Christmas typically so we usually try to do something different for Thanksgiving but hey, dressing twice in 2 months is fine with me!! I hope everyone had a safe and happy Thanksgiving!!