Anyone know why G7 availability is an issue of late? I had trouble this week getting refilled, local DOD military pharmacy was out, their supplier was out, and I got the last nine available (reportedly) at WR pharmacy (they have three full-up pharmacies!). Checked Reddit and found it seems to be a wider problem, yet reports say Dexcom is still shipping free samples.
I’m in the DC/Northern VA area. Last Tuesday, I used the DOD DHA MHSGenesis website (not telephone refill) to request script refills, including G7s; received a page acknowledging all 6 scripts, with availability Friday morning at the Fairfax Health Center. Wife and I went about 8AM (opens at 7, should’ve been there, waited an hour). Clerk said G7’s weren’t available, wouldn’t be until the end of month, if then, and I needed to check local Walgreen’s (in-network pharmacy). I showed the clerk my screen shot stating all would available, told him “finding my own” wasn’t acceptable, and asked him to check Walter Reed (WR) and Fort Belvoir pharmacies (all DC military pharmacies are linked). Clerk didn’t understand, ended up talking with the head pharmacist. As I’m explaining, my wife’s called and miraculously got an actual person at WR (3 full-up pharmacies). The pharmacist took my wife’s phone talked with the person, found they had nine G7s left, asked them to hold them for me; WR said I had to use the text system to “Get in Line” to reserve them, did so. Got my other 5 scripts, then the 30 min drive to WR. WR was easy: walk in, show ID, get shown G7s, and walk out.
My concern: Is it long term problem? Is it an indicator of the future? WR has a significant Diabetes Center; if they can’t get them, it doesn’t speak well for Dexcom.
I recently had the same issue with my distributor in SoCal. There is apparently a mfg shortage. That could mean several different things - equipment, supplier, quality issues - but I was told things should be sorted out within a month. I got 3 shipped to me instead of my usual quantity of 9. I just wished they had put a note in the box explaining it so I didn’t have to chase them down to find out why.
I commented in a different post about your ability to get sensors on base. I am in WA state and cannot get G7 sensors at my local navy hospital. I have asked several times and was told the navy pharmacy does not handle DME.
BTW - I love the “get in line” feature at the pharmacy. Saves a bunch of time waiting in line.
The “Get in Line” function here in the DC area is a bit weird. Perhaps when DHA’s MHSGenesis gets fully implemented it will resolve. Right now we have to first “activate” a script then “Get in Line.” DHA keeps “making improvements” and right now both the old and new Patient Portals and methods are active and cause confusion. Hopefully they get it resolved in another month!
Dexcom mentions that they are experiencing temporay, supply chain delays on their website. I had read elsewhere that their Singapore supplier had issues but I don’t remember the source of that comment. I am on G6 still and have not experienced any delays.
Dexcom is committed to providing G7 sensors to our patients without interruption. Currently we are experiencing temporary delays in our supply chain which may lead to some pharmacies or DME distributors being on a backorder. We believe that most of these backorders will be addressed within 5-7 days.
If you are a G7 customer and unable to get a sensor from your supplier due to a backorder, please contact our technical support at 1-844-607-8398 who will be happy to assist.
@Trying I looked at that too, but saw numerous other reports of delays with only a few citing a reason/rationale. But then, I got an email from Dexcom two days ago saying if I wasn’t a customer, I could be, lauding the G7s performance, and offering a free sample. First, you’d think Dexcom would know I’m already a customer and scrub their mailings. Second, I’d find it a real “turn off” (yes, dating myself) if I tried, liked it, got a script, and found out they couldn’t deliver and I just wasted by time and effort…not the customer support I’d want or expect!
Here’s hoping they resolve the issue quickly and to the user’s liking!