Film canister

I was scrolling through my facebook feed and one of the posts was something like “Things From Your Life That Your Kids Have No Idea What It Is For.” It had pictures of things like a mix tape, floppy disk, rotary phone, etc. One of the pictures was of a film canister:

One of my 11 year old kids sees it and says “Oh! That’s where you keep the things to test your blood!” I thought that was kind of funny but perfectly reasonable from his life perspective! Also, I am glad he didn’t say it was to store weed :slight_smile:


Our elementary school does something similar. In 5th grade, they call each of the kids to the office in pairs, and have pre-arranged to have one of the kids call their parents. Then they plunk them in front of a rotary phone and see how long it takes for the kids to figure it out…I am sure it is amusing.


@kenrick I keep all of my film canisters next to my slide projector and carousels :joy:


My brother does, too, and has an entire room dedicated to his slide collection!!


OMG, @kenrick, this was a really funny observation with a great laugh at the end! I started laughing aloud and my wife muttered something about how I am starting to lose it with age :slight_smile:

When my sons saw their grandmother’s rotary phone a few years ago they had no idea about how to use it.

As to my youngest son—we hardly ever watch TV but have had Netflix from day 1. A few years ago, we were watching the Olympics on OTA TV. My son asked us to pause it while he was hitting the restroom. He got quite angry and did not believe us when we said we couldn’t.


So many things that were “every day items” for those of us over 30 or 40, kids today have no clue what they are. We were watching Superman with the kids not long ago and the kids asked us why he kept going into that glass box thing…we had to explain to them what those glass box things were (or used to be.) lol.