Has anyone had issues with increased basal needs after having a vaccine?
So I realized a bit late that I never received the Hep A or Hep B vaccines when I was younger. I have a trip to Belize planned in December, and the CDC recommends travelers be vaccinated against both. I’m more concerned about Hep A than Hep B because of its transmission route. I figured I might as well get both though since they’re recommended.
The Twinrix vaccine has an accelerated schedule for when travel is imminent, so I decided to go ahead with that. I got my first vaccine on 10/14 and my second on 10/21.
My basal needs are out of control. There were a lot of variables this last weekend when we were camping, so I wrote off the increase at first. My basal needs were only slightly higher than normal over the weekend despite lots of hiking. That was a bit odd because they usually drop for hiking, but I thought it might be because we were eating things I don’t normally have and camping was just not a usual experience anyway. Then when we got back on Sunday, and I thought my Lantus might be bad- I put it in the footbox of my sleeping bag because I was worried about it freezing at night. On Sunday, I figured maybe it’d gotten too warm in my sleeping bag instead.
I replaced my Lantus, and I’m still needing about 25%-30% more basal than normal which is incredibly unusual for me- even when I’m sick I don’t usually need to increase my basal by much if at all.
Afrezza hasn’t been working well. I’m not particularly surprised because for me, Afrezza is not great at addressing long-term basal inadequacy. Currently, if I exercise while using Afrezza, it’ll bring me down. Otherwise, it might manage to level me off a bit, but it doesn’t do much else. Humalog works eventually, but I need about 3x as much as usual to bring down a high. Every time I eat, I shoot up past 200, and it takes forever to get it back down. I skipped dinner last night, and I finally had a night where I managed to sleep until 5 am without having to give a correction. I think that only happened because I increased my 4 pm basal dose to 40% more than usual.
I think my immune system might be responding really strongly to the vaccine. I also have a weird blister on my shoulder where the first shot was given. The site of the second shot seems to have healed up fine. I’m super tired, but that might just be because my bg levels have been so out of control.
Anyway, I’m just wondering if other people have had issues with vaccines. I’ve never had this with the flu shot, and I had a pneumococcal vaccine around a year ago that didn’t affect me like this either. If it’s not the vaccine causing this, then I don’t know what else it could be. I’m supposed to take the last vaccine in 1.5-2.5 weeks (with booster in 6-12 months), and I’m not excited about it.
On a more positive note, my A1c from my last endo appointment came back at 4.9%. I guess Lantus and Afrezza are working out really well (other than the last 1.5 weeks). Of course, my A1c always comes back lower than my average bg level would predict, but I’ve never dropped into the 4s before!