Dexcom G7 Now FDA Approved

I just read online that the FDA has approved Dexcom’s G7 (finally!). It will roll out next year (2023).


Rant mode: on!

I’m posting here because it seems the most appropriate. I had a G7 report me crashing through the floor, my pump software indicated IOB that could support it, though I thought I dosed appropriately. The G7 hit 73, then 68 with a straight down arrow. I’d been out hanging Christmas decorations so I popped a couple of glucose tabs and took a swig of grape juice. I should have known better, its day 9 for the G7, I’ve had previous issues with days 8-10 with the G7. It seems every time I start to trust the thing, I get “hornswoggled” (technical term) by them. Next thing, G7 reports is a BG of 43 at which point I do a finger stick because I’m not “feelin’ it” and get a BG of 96. Next thing, the G7 reports “sensor outage” (it’s like “it runs home to momma” when it knows it’s been bad). When it comes back up, it’s reporting a 196 and stops rising at 206 (my Trio software pumped in enough insulin). Now I’m perturbed. No need for GTs, no need for the grape juice, I was fine until I took them. So, I go online to Dexcom to use their online form to get a new sensor (when in doubt…swap it out). That’s a no go, Dexcom rejects my address…admittedly, the form asked for a street address (no city, state, zip…note: the online form automatically inserts them somehow); I had put it all on the one entry. It gave me an error and a phone number to call that said Tech Support (note: Dexcom apparently now calls “Customer Support” and “Tech Support” the same thing, at least in this context.)

I’ve been here before and know the drill: name, Dexcom user name, phone, etc. But then, the lady asks “What kind of insulin pump are you using?”, “Is it BT connected?”, "How long have you used it! I may be overly protective, but what the heck does Dexcom need to know this info for?! I ask, she says “It’s an FDA requirement!” Stop the horses, when did the FDA start requiring Dexcom to collect information on pumps to answer ANY question, let alone what address they need?! I don’t think so! Has no bearing on my problem, too many corps have, and are selling, my data as it is! I ask for the black&white on the FDA requirement…she doesn’t have it, it suddenly turns into an internal requirement between Dexcom and the FDA, and “The online forms just haven’t caught up!” I tell her I’m not providing it and she processes the info for a new G7. Then, I ask for a supervisor and get a call back from another lady…who repeats all the same “stuff.” I ask for a person or phone number I can call at Dexcom to discuss this new “requirement” and there is none, she’s it. I ask how I’m supposed to have confidence in the product from a company that outright lies to its customer…she doesn’t get indignant, but also doesn’t come off the story. So, I guess I’ll call the real Dexcom tomorrow. I’ve already filed a complaint with the FDA. Do I expect anything? No! Do I really mind sharing what pump I’m using? No. But I’m tired as @&#!#&$ corporations thinking they’re entitled to know everything about me in order to answer a simple question…about an address.

By the way, I also chatted online with another Dexcom rep who answered my address question…but to get to him/her I had to enter the S/N of the problem device…it only took 6-digits…works for a G6, but G7’s got 12. I told the chat rep, he said they knew and were fixing it, just not there yet. Dexcom, can’t get it right, can’t live well without 'em!

Rant mode: off!


@TomH FWIH I have had 3 of those roller coasters sensors in the last 2 months. I have one right at this moment, 5092 and it’s been wonky since minute one.

I’ve learned to take a pic of the sensor applicator with the box (serial side up) for documentation purposes on every sensor. I also take a screenshot of the cgm settings on T: Connect as well so when the sensor goes sideways I have all the documentation I need along with a few additional pictures showing “sensor failed” “replace sensor” to email Dexcom CS. They told me the last time I had reached my threshold for replacement sensors for the year, to which I replied I have also reached my threshold of expensive medical devices with crappy customer service. Maybe I should find a new manufacturer.


Dexcom G7 has been approved in Manitoba, Canada. From hearing the experiences in this group, I’m hanging on to my mostly reliable G6 as long as possible.


I am about to look into Libre after my G7 experience. I’ve been on G4, G5, and G6… all were fine, but G7 is sooo frustrating. How can they not see this?!

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