Dexcom g7 newness frustration

I’ve heard that a calibration is refused if it is too far away from the CGM’s value. It’s like the CGM is skeptical that it could really be so wrong.

One approach to deal with this is to calibrate part way, i.e., use a number between the CGM’s value and the meter’s measurement, maybe choose a number within 20 mg/dL of the CGM’s reading. Then wait a while (20 minutes?) and do another modest calibration, and repeat as needed.

I’ve also heard that the CGM becomes more and more resistant to calibrations as it ages; a young sensor may fully accept a calibration value as the truth, whereas an older sensor may only move part way towards the calibration value.


Very interesting observations. What’s the source?

Sorry, I read lots of diabetes web sites and have no idea where I read these things, or whether they are actually true, or even if I remembered them correctly. I still think those tips are good, but I don’t have supporting links.

The reason I ask is because these particular attributions to a Dexcom G7 (getting stubborn as it gets older, for example) seem rather fanciful. Amusing, but I’m not sure if grounded in any kind of reality.


Used G7 since mid-December, no itchiness or irritation from the adhesive at all. It’s effective and has very few drawbacks. Am a fan for sure. :heart::canada:


That’s awesome to hear! I had a mild allergic reaction to my most recent one :disappointed_relieved: Bummer! Hoping it will just stay mild, and that being more careful about my Cavilon coverage will help. Still nothing like the discomfort from the G6, thank goodness!


Related to allergies… has anyone tried (and had success with) alternative G7 body placements?

I’ve been using the back of my arms like Dexcom suggests. I swapped my sensors a few days ago, and as noted the old one has a mild rash. I can feel the new one getting itchy, so I’m worried both of my arms might be recovering when it’s time to place my next sensor.

Wherever I place it, I’ll try to use all my endo’s tips to avoid contact dermatitis on the next one. I think I have enough space to place it further down my arm if I need to – just want to have my backup plan ready. I’ve loved having a CGM and don’t want to go without if possible!

@RachelMaraii I use my upper left outside upper arm regularly, moving my Dex from spot to spot, and also use my thigh from time to time. I started out just ripping the Dex and Omni (rotating from stomach and inner/back of upper left arm. My skin got a little sensitive (used a bit of Cortisone cream), and I’ve started being more gentle in my removal. I know some people use various creams/oils/solvents to remove both. I may have to go that route eventually, but for now have not had too.

Ref making them stick, I ensure drying the surrounding patch with both my towel and a Kleenex after showers and it seems to have helped both Dex and Omni’s stick well. I think letting the adhesive stay wet or dry over time makes the adhesive less reliable. I’m certain the skin type and perspiration contribute to the issue.


Thank you so much! I always use an adhesive remover after it’s off, but this is a great reminder that I should be more gentle and slow during removal too.

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If helpful for anyone else who needs more G7 application sites – Dexcom in Canada also approves of abdomen placement. Where can I insert my Dexcom G7 sensor? | Dexcom

I’m so glad to know that the thigh will work if my current Tegaderm abdomen experiment doesn’t. :pray: Thank you again, TomH!

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On the recommendation of an OG FUD’er, I tried the G6 on my upper back calf. It was a SLEEK fit (once I got past the queasiness of the insertion), but I could not ever get the sensor to settle and give me reliable readings. I’m hoping someone will jump in with the name of the person who recommended this to me; her username is slipping my memory now. (I think she is one of the founders and doesn’t post a ton these days.) This site worked for her and she posted some pics for me. I haven’t read about anyone trying this site with G7, but it would definitely be worth a try and even cooler if it worked with the smaller profile of the G7. Hoping your skin is calming down!


I watched a video of someone showing several G6 site options. He did the calf also, and his chest! They both make me feel queasy too haha :sweat_smile: But then again, abdomen sites freaked me out too back in the day. My abdomen G7 seems just as accurate as my arms so far!

My dermatologist wrote a prescription that is helping a lot. Also scheduled an allergist appointment a couple months out. I’m only 2 days into the Tegaderm CGM test but staying hopeful! :crossed_fingers:


Chest! OMG! Abdomen never worked for me – too much scar tissue, I think. But I will definitely try the calf again when I move to the G7. It might be worth trying upper butt and torso/toward your back if you have any sub-q fat-ish area there (I don’t think it has to be much). Upper arms have remained excellent for me, fwiw. (But I have zero problems with the adhesive…)

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Right?? The upper butt/lower back is a great idea! I have some scar tissue on my thighs from pump sites, so that will increase my options a bit more. Calf will probably be a last resort! :joy: Here’s hoping in a month I’ll have both arms healed up again too.


Heard from Dexcom on this and they said calibrations must be 15 minutes apart. Find it is used if there’s a drastic difference in numbers.


Tegaderm experiment did not go as I hoped, just a new variety of ugly Dexcom rash. I feel so discouraged. :sob:

Sorry to hear it. I don’t recall, have you tried the topical application of flonase? I hear that helps some people.


Thanks for the rec! I have tried it and it seems to help a little bit. So far I’ve tried Cavilon; Flonase + Cavilon; Flonase + SkinTac (learned I’m allergic to SkinTac too); and this last one was Flonase + Cavilon + Tegaderm. I’ve also stopped using the overpatch to reduce adhesive contact. The Tegaderm had seemed like it was going really well until the last couple days, so it was extra disappointing to see the results when the sensor was removed.

Next I plan to try a hydrocolloid dressing, supposedly good for preventing adhesive contact… So I’m thinking Flonase + Cavilon + hydrocolloid (+ Tegaderm?). Just waiting to build up my guts again, maybe tomorrow I’ll be feeling brave. :smiling_face_with_tear:


Give SUREPREP Protective Wipes by Medline a try! They are sold on Amazon. I’ve had great luck with them. I really hope they’ll help you, too!


Worth a try! Trying to keep up hope that something will work is half of the battle now. :crossed_fingers: