Bizarre bathroom policy!

I saw this sign in a bathroom today.

I’m glad I didn’t have to poo. Because I’m not sure what I would’ve done with it if I’m not allowed to flush it. :man_shrugging:t2:


Yet another example of why Discourse needs a :rofl: emoticon!


Consider what this same sign would imply in the woman’s bathroom.


My wife commented on the sign in a recent cruise ship restroom, “Except for bath tissue, if you didn’t eat it or drink it first, please don’t flush it down the toilet!” I’m not sure it was an “approved” cruise ship sign, but it communicated!


Reminds me of a case I had years ago (back when we still needed ‘grounds’ for divorce in NY). One of the wife’s ‘issues’ was that her husband wouldn’t allow her (or anyone) to flush even used toilet paper - she had to collect it in a plastic trash bag and throw it in the garbage - because he was afraid it would fill up the cesspool and he didn’t want to have to pay to clean it out. Ew.