Baking your own low-carb bread

Nope. I’ve been making all kinds of bread, by hand, since I was 12. I don’t bake low-carb as a rule, and though I’ve done it a couple of times for visitors, I’ve never been eager to return to them. Probably the “best” was Peter Reinhart’s Toasting Bread, which is built on flaxseed meal and pecan flour, and was kind of tolerable to me toasted, though our visitors loved it (but they were sort of '70s hippie commune types to begin with). It was from his book The Joy of Gluten-Free, Sugar-Free Baking, but someone has reprinted it here:

Fewer and fewer people do anything in the kitchen these days, it seems. Recently one of my partner’s Facebook friends – an adult, a parent – proudly announced she had made whipped cream from scratch. :worried: