At home here at FUD

Totally agree! I was just thinking the other day of how there are so many questions or theories I have had about diabetes, and in the past all of the advice was either. 1) just get used to it, diabetes doesn’t make sense 2) toddlers can’t have low A1Cs 3) go low carb 4) some foods just can’t be eaten with diabetes 5) pre bolus 6) basal needs to keep you flat in the absence of food.

Not to mention the craziness of people simply having no advice for exercise other than “run in the 200s so you don’t go hypo,” – especially frustrating since exercise is one of the few things proven to provide health benefits for T1Ds beyond BG control.

All of those tips are useful for a person who doesn’t read books or is struggling to wrap their heads around carbFs or , but I feel like a lot of the advice that circulates on other message boards can be gleaned by reading two or three books. In my opinion these are great starting points but they really are in the “one-size-fits-all” category, despite the YDMV motto that so many places espouse.

Plus there were a few times when people would get all didactic, like “you are endangering your child by not following my dogmatic advice.” I almost never encounter that type of judginess and certainty of being right here. That’s been really nice – you don’t realize that you are self-censoring until you stop having to do it!