Approximately how many carbs do you eat per day?

Just curious. These days I don’t consider myself low carb, but I probably am in comparison to a lot of people. I am bad about entering my carbs in my pump. If I were to guess I’d say I average around 75g.


I don’t really count carbs. I eat many similar meals, and with cgm and pump, its easy to just make minor bolus or suspends depending on cgm.

In my early days we used “exchanges”, so I never did make the switch to carb counting.


Loop (Apple Health) says ~241 g/day

Probably more than that considering exercise/correction carbs I don’t log


My pump reports show about 100-130 g. daily. But that’s not including low treatments or any “quick bolus” carbs.


According to my LoseIt app, I eat about 200 grams per day. I love carbs :bread: :cookie:


I carb count rigorously, which is easy because most of what I eat is cooked from scratch, but when I don’t, such as when eating out, I pay the price. My daily intake varies quite a lot, from 40 up to nobody-needs-to-know, but I’d say I average about 150.


Approximately 250g a day


this question has persisted for me. I no longer carb count at all - maybe I carb estimate, adjusting my meal boluses based roughly on what and how much I’m eating.

So I thought I’d address this question by working backwards from my boluses and adjustment factor to get an estimate of my carbs.

I generally bolus about 30 units for meals during a day and my carb:insulin ratio is set at 6:1, so 30*6 = 180 g of carbs.

I’m working my way to this as well. It certainly gives you better control, but I often forget to make those small adjustments and then find myself high (or low) and struggling to compensate.


100ish, maybe a little more or less. I should probably eat more but with MDI it’s a hassle doing corrections.

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Depends on what is happening each day but lately I’ve ranged from 175 to 220 grams per day. My total daily insulin has been creeping up lately and I am thinking of reducing total carbs though.


I eat around 75 too. It actually might be less. Breakfast and lunch total around 35 and those meals are pretty consistently the same every day. Dinner is always some version of protein, cooked veg and a salad.

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Glooko report tells me I’m eating between 220 to 250 g per day


i try to keep mine under 25. No white foods. No grains. No sugar of course. NO FUN! I just cannot seem to dose correctly for any of the high-carb foods. I love food and cook a lot of great food but avoid empty carbs. I try to stick to super foods.


Is this something that you want to try to learn, or are you satisfied with your current approach? Either way is valid, but if you want help figuring out how to dose for carbs, people here will work with you to see if we can find a way that’s effective for you.


thank you but I have been counting carbs for the past 10 years in the hopes of never becoming Type 2 diabetic. Then I get lumped with Covid caused Type 1! Out of the blue. I avoid all simple carbs if possible.

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Maybe ~40